Might go if weathers good.
Any info available online for the comp?
Might go if weathers good.
Any info available online for the comp?
Hey MRD - Check this link out. Cheers.
I just read the rules on the above website. What i can't understand is why all fish have to be weighed in WHOLE. It specifically says no fish are to have broken necks. It's a tailor comp!!! What's the point of catching the fish if they will be spoiled to eat. Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe someone else can shed some light on why this might be the case. I really do love eating fresh tailor so maybe i'm just a bit too harsh! Cheers, Braders.
They would like you to donate your fish to them in good condition
Thanks, makes sense now, haven't entered this comp before. Still a shame the tailor can't be bled.
Lol hi Bondy I still fish needlefish lures as well as soft plastics and hb's at night, yep still have extras got some more earlier this year. I have been mainly fishing big sp's at night chasing jew. Still amazes me a lure with no action painted black catches fish at night. Are you fishing the greenback bondy if you are I will bring you a couple.
I wouldnt bleed a fish in a comp I want every gram, I think they dont allow it as it affetcs the length.
With reference to conditions there have been some rugged conditions over the years I remember one year non stop heavy rain, huge surf terrible strong winds and there were great numbers of tailor over 4-5kg huge jew etc etc
Greetings, unfortunately I wont be at the Greenback comp this year. Yes, I am amazed at that too, hence my curiosity to try a couple. send me a pm with details. Last I heard on the news there is suppose to be a 6 metre swell and big seas pounding the coast. maybe there might be an exception this year. I do know one can catch good jew and tailor in big surf. I'm going down further afield.
I'm trying to break my tailor drought I've had for the past 3 years, also bit of pressure on me to bring some home for an old bloke who's 84, he does not get oput as much as he use to.
Let me know how you went in the Greenback Comp if you go and it's still on.
Where abouts are you off to? A 3year tailor drought thats not a drought more a disaster. The swells arent a concern I can usually find some good water and if worst comes to worst theres kilometres of walls in Nthn NSW and some great rivers.
Hopefully we can get some good fish we have done well the last few years, mainly love my son to land a good fish and win a category this year he seems to catch all his good fish in the week after the comp.
Down southernside of Byron Bay. 3 year drought would be right, wrong place but right time. Them the breaks as they say. Your son might be onto something there, catching the better quality ones after the comp..
See how it goes this season.
I have a 14ft rod.
Hey guys we drove the beaches today from potty to ballina to check the conditions beaches are hammered but there is still alot of low tide water around tho surf was still around 2.5 m today down ballina but dropping off tonite and tom. Hopefully nail a big one myself got second in evans comp last year and won rainbow beach classic year b4 so this comp has eluded me so far been close tho. Good luck to everyone
good luck y'all, chuck up a few yarns/pics afterwards if you think of it!
Good luck to all in the comp. as Nigelr says, pics and yarns would be good.
I'll be down other side of Byron Bay, might be protected a little.
Good luck it is a tough one to win I have won a few categories there but only ever got a 2nd in the tailor which is the one I want.
I was near Byron Bay this evening, place I was not as eroded as other areas, no one else was there and no tailor. I started at 5.00pm and stayed until 7.30pm. If tailor was around I would have nailed some, might have been a bit of dirty water around but seen some birds diving, a bit too far offshore.
At least I had the entire beach to myself.