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Thread: Big Gaint Herring

  1. #1

    Big Gaint Herring

    I was fishing the big high tides just over a weeks back on the gold coast at one of my favourite spots. We where using lives i cast netted earlier on in the day managed to land a few lively flathead on poddy mullet and herring. As i noticed something busting up every minute or so in the same spot so i presented the biggest mullet I had to him about 20cm mullet hooked through the head (still alive) as i fed him into the running water and held him in there seen a big boil just behind my mullet then bam he smashed it rod loaded up then bing mullet came flying back onto land at me. Put him back out there with in a few second massive hit straight snap F#!C. New hook new mullet same thing straight snap my 12lb leader just wasn't doing the job. So I thought ill get you whatever you are went back to me bag and tied on 3 foot of 30 lb and me favourite surface dog lure cos lives where all gone by that stage of course.Feed my lure back in the water sitting it out there for a few seconds then ripping it back to my feet had 3 foot of line out max was watching my lure at my feet and he came up and smashed the lure ridiculously hard. Took off like a torpedo then he started jumping had me on my knees palm spooling him for the whole first run about 50 meters called it for a 70-80cm queenfish at the time. 6 minutes later he came to the bank and let me say one of the only times I've taken my envioro net with me 20 second struggle to FOLD him in the net with a lot of foul language present.Then one very happy angler. picture of lure that done the damage enclosed too.Might need some new trebles haha. All in all a great nights fishing couldn't wipe the smile of my face for days.Caught on 5lb braid 1-3kg rod and eventually 30lb leader.All fish were realised straight after pictures were taken.cold night fishing = Happy Angler Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	80528Click image for larger version. 

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    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Re: Big Gaint Herring

    VERY nice mate!! youll have a smile on the face for a while!

  3. #3

    Re: Big Gaint Herring

    Mate that is a horse of a herring!!!!!!

  4. #4

    Re: Big Gaint Herring

    Nice giant herring but they dont take to being handled ,there best left in the water and released from there.

  5. #5

    Re: Big Gaint Herring

    Nice fish Bronson,excellent bait for Spanish Mackeral too.

  6. #6

    Re: Big Gaint Herring

    Good fish and good story. How many times we get in that situation to be done on everything. Well done on finally grabbin what was scaring and stripping your livies. What a fish well done. Cheers DD.....

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