Took my plate out off straddie for the first time with my brother in his mates boat. Boat went well once over bar which was pretty flat bar the marker before rouse entrance as as 4 30am in dark uing the stupid hand held gps i hit the green leading into mouth of rouse and dinged the ol girl but once out we shot over to 29s nothing then 35s still nothing so down north of fla rock and good shows but not hungry. Drifted over a huge school and soon after floater gets smashed by a large mac tuna about 80cm. Shot in to middle reef for undersize bits. Mt brother stayed north of flat rock anchored with fresh baits for a squire and a maori cod as i was drifting with a lucanus jig with pilly tail and a plastic on another spinning outfit. We shot back over bar and into rouse for a last chance of a feed. I left at dark and brother bagged 3 good fish so they did alright but i only blooded the boat with a violent maccy. Weather was great and glassed out at about 2 30pm but fish not hungry.Cheers dd.....Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	80463Mates boat (brother hidden) ps Cant upload photos of my mac or brothers snapper for some reason as he sms to me.