Hi i have heard you can now buy C-SHARP ceramic filliting knives does anyone know where to purchase this product
Hi i have heard you can now buy C-SHARP ceramic filliting knives does anyone know where to purchase this product
Personally I reckon they'd be rubbish for filleting.
Ceramic doesn't bend and that's something I really look for in a fillet knife.
Cheers Alfred
PS: if you want a ceramic knife look here
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
Ive tried em for filleting, and they dont bend, so they ended up in the kitchen. They are excellent for kitchen knives for veggies tho. Just dont drop em on a tiled floor, they will shatter!!
But they do stay sharp forever.
Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.
My daughter has several ceramic knives and she learnt the hard way that they get serrated if used on anything other than a timber or poly cutting board and they don't stay sharp as long as she thought. She has had them just over a year and they are definitly starting to show wear and tear as there is one knife she has never used and the difference is quite noticable