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Thread: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

  1. #16

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by paullee View Post
    Attachment 79988Attachment 79987Attachment 79985Attachment 79986Hi guys did an overnighter and then headed out to nine mile this morning in perfect conditions. Got a 5.5kg Spangled Emperor as well as a variety of reef fish which i dont know what they are as im originally from down south. Saw a free jumping marlin as well so thats always a great site...Anyway ill try upload these photos for some id please??The one in the 2nd photo had whiskers and the mrs caught prob 6 of them...As well as a few small jacks i think they were... Let them all go bar the spangled btw.
    Black Spot Goat Fish

    Some sort of trigger fish.

    IMO its a Spangled Emperor. The blue marking on the gill cover gives it away even though it has a blotchy colouration like a grassy. Normally grassies have only a small amount of blue just under the eye. even a blue-lined emperor has less blue.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #17

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    I deadest reckon that third pic above is a grassy. No yellow plus a blunter nose, just like the original thread pic. Slightly higher body shape too.

  3. #18

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daintreeboy View Post
    I deadest reckon that third pic above is a grassy. No yellow plus a blunter nose, just like the original thread pic. Slightly higher body shape too.
    These two fish get confused alot. I maybe wrong but the consistent blue on the gill cover is a give away for me. Those pictures i put was to show that sometimes IMO that spangled emperor's vary in their colouration. picture attached is a grassy.
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  4. #19

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    spangled emp are more common to the 9 mile area than grassy emp ....hey paullee did you have any more pic of the spangled you could post up ? and was it yellowish in colour? cheers mick
    ...........GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO BAIT.........

  5. #20

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    Yep sorry i tried to upload another pic the other night but it obviously didnt work...the fish had blue specs right thru it and this pic should show it better.....Attachment 80087

  6. #21

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    hey paulee. attachment dont work. try 'go advanced' reply and then 'manage attachments'

  7. #22

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    IMG_1464.jpgCheers here is the pic..weathers lookin good for this weekend bring it on!!

  8. #23

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    Definite spangled. Time to eat some humble pie.......

  9. #24

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    Case closed.

  10. #25

    Re: 9 mile off tweed mixed bag but what are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daintreeboy View Post
    Definite spangled. Time to eat some humble pie.......
    Save a slice for me
    2008 Signature 520C with the Suzuki 90 4 stroke on the back

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