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Thread: East Stradie via Jumpinpin Bar

  1. #1

    East Stradie via Jumpinpin Bar

    Gday all,

    Left Jacobs Well about 6am and shot out to the Jumpinpin bar, It hadn’t changed a lot since I was last down that way but still I took it easy and had no problems, if anything the channel was a bit narrow.
    Went straight out to Cottons reef but all we could raise was around 15 squire, all about the 35cm that we released and a bream that was about 75mm long.
    Shot up north towards the bottom end of the Cathedrals, heaps of bait schools but nothing chasing them, son caught a 55cm flattie which he released...... into the esky.
    Going by the radio chatter there was not a lot happening either.
    I tell you what though, the weather was perfect out there and it bloody felt good even if we didn’t get a lot.
    Hey Spectre, hope you have better luck off Moreton mate, that my old hunting up that way.
    No Photos sorry as we all Know what undersize fish look like


  2. #2

    Re: East Stradie via Jumpinpin Bar

    Thanks for the report mate...& update on the PIN bar
    Good to hear u had a great day on the water.
    Sure beats workin eh...!!!!
    Conditions were gold today offshore Moreton ...lotsa boats out.
    Was a bit quite...but managed to put a few Ok snappas in the box & a lone piggy !!!
    The sharks nabbed a couple of fish as well.


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