Any ideas? Never seen this before but always willing to learn.IMG_1047.jpg
Any ideas? Never seen this before but always willing to learn.IMG_1047.jpg
Red-lined Grinner??? What length? Where caught ?
sargeant baker.
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
Sargent Baker (Poor man's lobster) Never eaten one but they say they taste a bit like lobster.
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
Looks like a "sarge" did it have a longish trailing end to the dorsal fin?, but they taste nothing like Lobster, maybe they might taste like Lobster if you are dieing of hunger on a desserted Island and haven't eaten for weeks!
Bar-faced weever or rock whiting. Common in sand crab pots.
I have it called a wrasse as well. It was caught at Mud Island in Moreton Bay. My partner caught quite a few. This one was around 25cm, took a squid bait. Huge mouth like Grinner, only minus the teeth. A local bait shop mentioned "Rock Whiting".
Agree - bar faced weever. I've caught quite a few in the eastern side of the bay when looking for winteries over near the sand hills. Grant lists 'rock whiting' and 'grubfish' as other common names used for it.
Cheers Freeeedom
Sargent Baker (Poor man's lobster) Never eaten one but they say they taste a bit like lobster.
Hate to disagree with Mr Ausfish,
but Red Harry (Red Rock Cod) is poor mans lobster,
& yes they are very good to eat, you just have to be careful of the spines.
Have never eaten a Seargent Baker.
Good Bait. Filleted one and caught my PB snapper.
My father-in-law keeps them for his cat.
agree with matt campbell