I need to identify this little bugger. Caught at Mud Island on Sunday. Prickly little number.
I need to identify this little bugger. Caught at Mud Island on Sunday. Prickly little number.
I think it is a happy moment. Ironic name because I was told they hurt like hell!!
Thanks Tony, I will go look him up.
yep - happy moments - otherwise known as black trevally.
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
Apparently great eating. A lot of ethnic chaps target them down Newcastle way using 15ft long rods with no reel. Just dont get spiked by them though.
yep, also Known as 'Black Spinefoot', nasty little buggers.
Do a search on the forum for happy moments................ they have poison on ends of top spines.....
many stories, much pain, i like the one where a guy got stung and wanted to cut his finger off.......
Use scissors to cut the ends off all fins....
yep happy moment it is , got a barb up under my thumb nail ,,,,,stung like you would not beleave for hours.....nasty thing they are....
Far from Happy Moment.
Caught one in a cast net one night and threw it in a bucket to use as crab bait. My little bro was standing on the front seat of the tinny when I went to take off and fell backwards landing one foot in the bucket.
Pretty sure he managed to get every dorsal spike into his foot, remember him lifting his foot up with the fish firmly stuck in it. Never heard him scream before until that night. All the spikes broke off inside his foot and it took him about 12 months to get them all out.
Never got to find out if it was good grab bait or not. Recommend leaving them alone..