The Horrible Truth....
After a long time, trying to get on the water with Netmaker, it finally happened.So we arranged to meet at the Wello ramp at 5am Sat morn, at 4ish am I get a msge from Davo saying he shit the bed so will be at the ramp around 4:30 and I guess that's when it all went wrong. We headed straight to Mud, Placcies only, coupla cast Davo boated a small squire then dropped a 50ish Flatty boatside, more small fish were the order of the day, some Mac tuna swam past so armed with a 2500 shimano I launch my 4inch squidgy wriggler at them and loaded up as soon as it hit the water it spat me when it felt the resistance, before I could think another set of solid Mac shoulders breached the surface and wham I'm loaded up again, but a minute later placcie was spat out again, not that I thought I had a chance, but it was another lost opportunity, we moved around, tried different spots more of the same, Davo told me to deadstick my 4000 shimano out the back and a short time later it was seriously loaded up and the 10kg mono was disappearing fast Davo took the smaller rod off me as I was on with it as well, I took the full weight of the freight train and then a bullet sound and a small cut to my hand and I was standing there with an empty 4000 sized reel, shattered..We caught up with Mossy and luccee, Mossy made me feel better with a chocolate wagon wheel, thanks bud..Nice to finally meet you mate. Oh yeah! and thanks luccee for comming over and rubbing that nice cobia in our face...... But this whole time I was hanging onto a secrete.
The day ended just like that, small fish and missed opportunities, it wasn't until I got home that I sent Davo a msge telling him ""The Horrible Truth"" that I had committed a boating crime, as in my fishing bag I found a BANANA, YES THAT'S RIGHT, I had meant to eat it at the ramp whilst waiting for Davo but he was running early so its his fault...Cheers for a great day Davo cant wait to do it again, however I might suggest a bag