Should have called it the blue chook chucka.
Should have called it the blue chook chucka.
You are a funny man Stuart.
Funny to look at!!!
Thanks for the insite on the XI3s Steve,out of all the 10wts ive got the XI2 has the best backbone for lifting but when you dont use it for awhile its feels stiff but does soften after awhile,i had a cast of the GLXcrosscurrent 8wt when they firstt came out and still to this day think that was the best thing ive cast ever but the tips are to brittle from what ive read,i got the XI2 blank cheap when the XI3s come out and thought it was a good chance to build one and see what they were like with out paying full price,and for a line i got a rio intermediate with the nautilous 12T i bought but ended up going back to the SAstripper intermediate it loaded better i thought but i no a full sink would make it feel a lot better again,cheers chris.