Hi guys just wondering if there is anyone on ausfish from coffs way cherrs greg
Hi guys just wondering if there is anyone on ausfish from coffs way cherrs greg
member roz is.
doesn't get on much but fishes out of Coffs for many years.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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Estuary, beach or open water. Lots on here.
Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.
murf.......... you're miles and miles away... like 30 ????
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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or 20............ ???
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Murf always at places like Woody Head or Frazer or 1770 or central QLD. I didnt think he spent too much time back in Coffs Country
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
You need to tell us what type of fishing are you interested in. Lots of choices within the region. Coffs cover a broad spectrum of fishing and type of fish and fishing gear, also do you fish landbase or kayak/boat(If so what size). If you put up that sort of info, there are alot of locals who will be willing to help you. Have a nice day.
I live where my callsign says, but have a reasonable idea of fishing in the area.
Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.
Mate they have got an enourmus tackle store there.