A QUEENSLAND rec fisherman has been fined $10,000 after pleading guilty to possessing excessive quantities of fish.
Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district officer Glen Harsley said the fisherman was intercepted after returning from an eight-week fishing trip in north Queensland.
"The fisher was caught in possession of 2915 pieces of flathead fillet, when the bag limit is five, and 98 goldenline whiting which exceeds the bag limit of 30," he said.
"This successful prosecution should send a serious message to fishers to understand the rules that are in place to ensure sustainable fisheries for Queensland now and into the future.
"Bag limits aim to conserve heavily exploited species and to conserve those that are susceptible to capture.
"They also allow catches to be shared more equitably amongst fishers and reduce the illegal marketing of fish.
"Respecting the resource means understanding and following the rules."
Harsley said if people were caught breaking the rules, they could be going to court.
"Breaching the size and bag limits is a serious offence and one which attracts fines of up to $100,000," he said.
Illegal fishing pracices can see offenders receive on-the-spot infringement notices, for example, a fine of up to $400 for taking fish over the bag limit.
For free copies of the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide or the Recreational fishing size and bag limits for Queensland brochure, call 13 25 23, or download at www.fisheries.qld.gov.au.