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Thread: Good day at the Pine

  1. #1

    Good day at the Pine

    G'Day All ,
    This report is a bit late , but it is thew first chance I have had. Got on the water on Sunday at about 4am . Headed to my ususal spot to get some live herring and hopefully some poddies . Fisrt cast of the net brought forth a dozen prawns . Um , thought I , this might turn out alright . Half an hour later left for my usual fishing spot with about a kilo of live prawns and a couple of dozen herring . Set up for a drift as the sun was making an appearence . After about , 30 minutes had the first one of the day in the livewell , a 43cm flattie . Kept on the same drift line for the next couple of hours , and managed another two keeper flatties , one at 52 and another one in the 40's . Changed the drift a bit , and then saw the rod with the herring get a decent bend . 5 minutes later in came a 62cm flattie . After that one hit the livewell , something grabbed another herring and took off . Did not have a chance to turn this bugger , zing goes the line , and there goes my terminal tackle . For the first time in ages I managed to upgrade the flatties . Final score for the day was .
    6 Legal Flatties . ( Of course 1 was sent packing)
    1 50cm Jewie . ( Released to grow up )
    1 keeper Bream , and
    1 keeper Whiting .
    All were caught on either live prawns , live herring or squidgee's.
    All in all a beautiful day on the water .
    To Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	79248top it off , the Boss and my best 4 legged mate , came out near lunch time for a picnic and a swim .
    P.S Please excuse the long winded report .
    ShawnClick image for larger version. 

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ID:	79247

  2. #2

    Re: Good day at the Pine

    Well done shawn

  3. #3

    Re: Good day at the Pine

    Not long winded Shawn 66. Would be happy to read more. Congrats on a ripper day.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
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    Re: Good day at the Pine

    Great report Shawn keep em coming. Detail is great and helps us all improve our chances of a good day out . Great haul there mate and love the fact you got some prawns. Did you end up taking them for a feed?

    I am gonna head out at some ungodly hour in the morning and see if I can add to my weekend haul

  5. #5

    Re: Good day at the Pine

    Nice work shawn looks like ya had a heap of fun mate.


  6. #6

    Re: Good day at the Pine

    Hi Shawn, loved the report, feel welcome to be "long winded" and to wax lyrical anytime you like.

    Happy to hear that you landed some on the plastics too...come to the dark side mate

    Don't know if you are planning to be out there tomorrow but we will be hitting the spot before first light because we have to head home by 8am. Hope to see you there.

    Tim and Trace

  7. #7

    Re: Good day at the Pine

    well done,good 2c the pine is doin' good.wot size were the prawns

  8. #8

    Re: Good day at the Pine

    Quote Originally Posted by B U Z Z I N View Post
    well done,good 2c the pine is doin' good.wot size were the prawns
    Wasn't a great size to them mate , probably 70 to 100 mm

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