G'Day All ,
This report is a bit late , but it is thew first chance I have had. Got on the water on Sunday at about 4am . Headed to my ususal spot to get some live herring and hopefully some poddies . Fisrt cast of the net brought forth a dozen prawns . Um , thought I , this might turn out alright. Half an hour later left for my usual fishing spot with about a kilo of live prawns and a couple of dozen herring . Set up for a drift as the sun was making an appearence . After about , 30 minutes had the first one of the day in the livewell , a 43cm flattie . Kept on the same drift line for the next couple of hours , and managed another two keeper flatties , one at 52 and another one in the 40's . Changed the drift a bit , and then saw the rod with the herring get a decent bend . 5 minutes later in came a 62cm flattie . After that one hit the livewell , something grabbed another herring and took off . Did not have a chance to turn this bugger , zing goes the line
, and there goes my terminal tackle . For the first time in ages I managed to upgrade the flatties . Final score for the day was .
6 Legal Flatties . ( Of course 1 was sent packing)
1 50cm Jewie . ( Released to grow up )
1 keeper Bream , and
1 keeper Whiting .
All were caught on either live prawns , live herring or squidgee's.
All in all a beautiful day on the water .
Totop it off , the Boss and my best 4 legged mate , came out near lunch time for a picnic and a swim .
P.S Please excuse the long winded report .