I've been thinking a fair bit about this whilst I've been plastering walls and cleaning shower screens.
When I did my license all those blue moons ago it was written everywhere in the book that the skipper is responsible for his (or her) vessel and all aboard her at all times and skipper is akin to God....and no questions asked.
That seems to have been drummed into me ever since.
Now here is a question. If the boat is not in a registered mooring, tied to a swing birth or dock or attached to any other recognised mooring that's been mentioned previously in this thread and the skipper who took the boat there then got on the turps.
Is he neglecting his duty if there is no competent person to take over the skipper's duty just so the vessel may be moved at any time it may be need to be moved or any other 'duties' a skipper is responsible for (ie anchor let go, storm, noisy neighbours, boat next door going up in flames, vessel taking on water, batteries blowing up....the list can be endless).
The vessel is theoretically still 'at sea' isn't it until it's moored or on it's trailer and seeing the vessel is 'at sea' there has to be a responsible skipper?
There are heaps of registered mooring areas around if you look on the charts.
What does ColRegs say?