We headed over to moreton from scarby about midday and stopped at Bulwer for some livies, the whiptails and grinners were thick. Since the weather was much better than predicted we headed out to western rocks for a couple drifts with grinner fillets, live whiptails, squid and pillies for bait. Had a few good shows of bait on the sounder but nothing interested so we went to Curtin for the tide change. Sounded out another good spot with good shows of fish and bait. Since i've been getting monstered here lately i upped my leader to 100lb from 60lb. Put a livie on one of the big rods and a dead mullet on the other. Threw down a homemade bait jig 30lb, and another rod with 1/2 a squid on 12lb line. Racheals bait jig buckles over with a quality fish taking line and the 12lb rod starts screaming aswell. Rachael quickly loses her fish and after a 5 min battle i the leader gets bitten through. More big fish hit the light lines which were unstoppable so i change back to the 60lb leader on the bigger rods. All goes quiet so i throw some burley out and a minute later tuna are smashes the surface out the back of the boat so i pull up a rod to rig a chromie when the 3 rods left in the water all buckle over. Rachael picks up the first rod i grab the second and the 3rd is left. The unattended rod loses the fish, the other 2 fish are screaming to deeper water taking 100m of line when Rach loses her fish, i fought my fish a while and finally get it to the boat asked for the gaf and gaffed it myself and dragged it in the boat. Finally my first tuna!!
I'm guessing its a Longtail??
It went 118cm, any thoughts how much it would have weighed?
We stayed at curtin the night and pulled out quite a few squire 30-35 with only 1 keeper.