Ok new HDS2 & structure Scan fitted Check
Jig heads glued up Check
Bait Check
Hangover Check
Houston we have a green to go, F@#@king Rain
Bugger it we are going anyway driving to the ramp this morning with rain pissing down,mrs looks at me.It's nice to get out in the boat today with a shit eating grin
Old guy at the ramp asks where we are off too & then offers some advice,I left my run too late young fella "I'm 45" to realise grinners are good bait ! Thanks mate i'll keep that in mind,they are like rats at the moment he adds.
So we are off keen to check out new sounder and Structure Scan system,deffinition is great first thing I noticed is structure scan doesnt show up Jelly fish as sounder does.Found a wreck on the way to mud that I have searched for many times before without being able to pinpoint
Must see grand Marlin structure scan gets a little grainy at 30Knts
So as we make our way over too Mossy's reef we notice a tinny with what looks like 2 yellow markers on board WTF on closer inspection its Mossy and deckie in Paddington Bear rain suits and wellies on,one holding a pokidot umbrella and the other with a Hanky tied in corners
Hey Mossy how you guys doing Not real good dick their not on today,Want some bait champ ? nah we prefer latex thx Dick.
The new Imaging actually allowed me to identify single fish around structure ! now how to catch them.
With a few good size sweeties a small GT and a tone of practice squire caught on comes a 12" grinner, Hmmmm lets give it a crack heads gone butterflied & a set of 5O doubles for good luck and over the side, there you go babe have a crack will i have to keep checking it she asks ? Nah you will know
Wouldn't be 5 mins later off goes the baitrunner zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 30lb braid 40lb leader The boss is loosing line quicker than Mossy looses his lunch outwide
"Davo dont read the next Bit " ok babe you got 2 choices hope it doesnt spool you while I pull the anchor or "LOCK UP THE DRAG" so on goes some drag, click bit more click 150m gone click 200m gone click starts too slow ok give it too him, she was on I reckon that sub had a few nervous deckies on board cause they gave the mrs a great battle
20min later with more runs than the Don the line went slack rubbed through the leader,never saw what it was Mrs was stoked and ready to go home as she was done
Played around on chanel markers on way home with structure found heaps of bait,even found the holes that the excavator dredge had made this morning clearing the chanel out to the mile marker.
look foward to getting outwide if the weather stays good this weekend