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Thread: Spent Heavy Gun shell wanted for a berly masher??

  1. #1

    Spent Heavy Gun shell wanted for a berly masher??

    I know that this is a little outside of the ring, but I'm looking around for a spent cannon shell too be used for a berly masher. Yep I know that there are other ways, it's just that something out of the ordinary can be fun.

    Any contacts would be fantastic.
    "If I am going too burn time let it be holding my rod. For when it is time to lay me at rest let it be a Viking burial at it's best. Give back for what I have Taken."

  2. #2

    Re: Spent Heavy Gun shell wanted for a berly masher??

    I always use the alum center from a hot water system and put holes in it. works well and dosn't rust

  3. #3

    Re: Spent Heavy Gun shell wanted for a berly masher??

    Stick with similar metals unless you want to encourage electrolysis.


  4. #4

    Re: Spent Heavy Gun shell wanted for a berly masher??

    Hi there,

    I have a couple but not sure they would be big enough, can measure when I get home but from memory they are around 400 high and maybe 150 in diameter. If that sounds useful let me know and I will put a tape on it tonight.

  5. #5

    Re: Spent Heavy Gun shell wanted for a berly masher??

    Would love one of them to put on display in the garage
    2008 Signature 520C with the Suzuki 90 4 stroke on the back

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