I have a 4.55
I have a 4.55
Last edited by chris69; 15-04-2012 at 07:11 PM. Reason: adding
Hi Mick.
This link is obtained from Nick's website:
the difference is only in top end speed, both the 50 and 60 will have same down low from my understanding
I reckon go the 60, I cant see you even noticing 4kg, thats just like parking a 6 pack on the seat beside you.
Certainly the 60 on a heavy boat like that will be a better proposition especially on the NT as you say in the fast flow you get up there...
thanks kondo.
Your thoughts on the 3 cyl. BF60 vs 4 cyl. F60C?
Bf 60 has lean burn technology, nmea 2000 compatible. Higher charging capacity, lighter
The f60 has been around for some time and is reliable as hell but is starting to fall behind in technology
Retired Honda Master Tech