gudday all, well had enough time today (the missus went to rocky for the day ) to knock up the video of when I tagged along with JT to go out and fish the fern country.
My video editing program is giving me the sh*ts (always slow to load and edit video clips) and i have put up with it long enough so if anyone out there has any ideas on what video editing programs are awesome then please let me know. I am currently using pinnacle studio 14. I have talked to others using this program and got the same feedback so pretty sure it's not just the pootah. It took me all day to just do this clip
Once again thanks to JT for the invite and hope to do it all again soon.
Have a look and enjoy.
cheers from boony
P.S The music is bringing up copyright issues so you cant watch it on a mobile only on a pootah, sorry....Blame youtube