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Thread: Offshore Burrum

  1. #1

    Offshore Burrum

    Hey guys really need some help already at burrum heads and in need of some gps marks for out of burrum heads as me and the old boy have never been here before any starting marks would be awesome ph:0401754248

    Thanks peeps

  2. #2

    Re: Offshore Burrum

    Get onto the "Fishntales" website for Hervey bay.They have a list of starter points and you can sound from there.I went out this morning from Elliot Heads to the Arti for a very ordinary morning due to the wind, and no fish.

  3. #3

    Re: Offshore Burrum

    It really depends how far out you want to go mate. The usual spots straight out from the leads are the 8 and 16 mile, which can fish well but are a bit hit and miss. Usually you get the pelagics outthere like macks and tuna. If you wanna go wider there is some good ground. My advice is to go down the foreshore and find some of the older blokes and have a chat. If you seem nice enough, they will help you out for sure

  4. #4

    Re: Offshore Burrum

    Go to he bait shop amd ask for a map with gps marks

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