Hi there all. After leaving baffle jason and i headed north 2 1770 4a week.and wot ya no more rain but very heavy at night which was good we could still fish during the daybut the creek looked like a muddy hole,we tried a lot of spots ,lures,livies dead baits etc. And all we got was catfish,shovel nose sharks and little bream
but we did hav 4pots out and i hav never caught so many crabs night after night.every morning off we would go and 1st pot 8crabs,2nd 6,3rd 10,4th 4 but only 3or 4 keepers that went on for 5days so pulled pots out because i started growing extra legs and walking side ways.the last day we snuck out into the bay and had some fun with the schoolies and a tailor ;dso finished off the week with 1 very hungry little flattie 6 schoolies 1 tailor
cheers buzzin