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Thread: and now for something completely different...

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Wink and now for something completely different...

    Needed to expand my fishing horizons from the same old same old at the beacons. (You lot are probably sick of reading about it too)

    Up at 3:45am and straight down to the front of the power boat club. I was going to try for a Jewie or Trev or something other than flathead. Headed straight down under the bridge on the yak and threw out the brick to hold me in the current between the pylons. It was top of the tide and had just turned to start to run out. Started throwing a hard body but not much interested in that though I could hear fishing working in the dark. I changed over to a Gulp Minnow 4inch in smelt colour. There was a light from the bridge shining straight down into the water wich had attracted small bait fish and prawns. There was bustups really starting to pick up in intensity. Threw the gulp out and first cast WHUMPA.... on to what for me is a decent fish. Definately not a flatty, peeled off a little line from the 6lb Nanofil and then turned its head reeled in a 45 - 50cm Jewy!!! Excellent fun and so chuffed with targetting a new species for me. Released it and started working the SP again. About 10 mins later I got seriously hit. Never felt weight and pull like it before. It was peeling off line like there was no tomorrow and it was dragging me up stream towards a pylon so I had to try and manouvre the yak with the paddle in one hand and the rod in the other but a little slack line and it was off!! Bugger. I learnt a bit with that one. I adjusted my drag a bit tighter so I could put a little more hurt on another one if I was lucky enough to hookup to another one. Not much happened for about 30mins but bustups continued in around the pylons on a regular basis. Then I was hit again, this was bigger than the last as the line was screaming off the reel at a faster rate than before yet I had tightened the drag!!! . Anyway, this thing finally started to tire and the dragged stopped screaming for mercy. Now it had gone a fair way up the canal and I was worried it would turn and get on the other side of a pylon so I decided to get stuck into it and get some line back. Right here is the hightlight of my fishing life thus far.... I started to pump and wind a fish. I know, sounds dicky but I had never had to do that before and it was unreal!!! So I get this thing back closer to me and work it towards the yak. The fight had lasted about 5 mins by now. Got it along side and saw it was a beautiful Jewwy about 80 - 90 cms . Well the heart rate was up so I tried to stay calm. Right about here my newbiness showed..... No net and I had left the lipgrips on the pation table to dry out!!! Bugger . Well I thought I would lift it into the yak on the 9lb leader, it's only about 10cms from the water to the yak. Grab the leader.... gently lift....PING..... FAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to the people who live close to the bridge!!

    She was gone but I had the most fun fishing in years!!!

    I will try again another time with a bit heavier gear, lipgrips, laning net and some pics

  2. #2

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Oh no!!!! oh well, at least we know where to find you at 5am tomorrow!!!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Quote Originally Posted by tunaticer View Post
    Oh no!!!! oh well, at least we know where to find you at 5am tomorrow!!!
    Back to bluddy work tomorrow!!! But will be there bright and early Friday morn

  4. #4

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Awesome work Funchy. Well done getting a jew that size up to the surface on 9lb leader. Bad luck on the lift, but yeah a gaff would have been handy for sure. Next time....

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Quote Originally Posted by carnster View Post
    Awesome work Funchy. Well done getting a jew that size up to the surface on 9lb leader. Bad luck on the lift, but yeah a gaff would have been handy for sure. Next time....
    Learnt a hell of alot this morning mate thats for sure!!!!

  6. #6

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    On yah Funchy and a good post with action, suspence and even swearing lol. Nothing like being unprepared for a smoking when on the light gear. Your not the first 1 to have that happen. Today i found out with jew nets are not big enough and even gaffs are not sharp enough to pin a big jew so even prepared i nearly stuffed my mates big jew. They are a good fight when hooked but on a yak what a ride. Cheers DD.....

  7. #7

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Awesome stuff funchy!!! oooh you definately taking the yakkaz by storm, damn that would of been a great pic..keep up the awesome work mate.


  8. #8

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Don't worry about the gaff or the net just get your hand up under those gills...nothing too sharp there on the Jew and its the best way to get them out once its in your hands you never let go!

  9. #9

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Needed to expand my fishing horizons from the same old same old at the beacons. (You lot are probably sick of reading about it too)

    Well the heart rate was up so I tried to stay calm. Right about here my newbiness showed..... No net and I had left the lipgrips on the pation table to dry out!!! Bugger . Well I thought I would lift it into the yak on the 9lb leader, it's only about 10cms from the water to the yak. Grab the leader.... gently lift....PING.....
    Oh Funchy...mate... at least you saw what a thrill that must have been.

    Mind you if you had the lip grips I'm thinking it is just as likely that you would have ended in the drink as the fish ending up in the yak...maybe both in the drink , him in the yak??

    You have envcouraged us to try a different spot next weekend...I did the same Pine river spot for the usual few flatties and a bream this morning (minus Trace but plus her dad), beautiful day out but nothing likke yours. Saw Shawn land a nice flatty too. HOWEVER I hear the big fish calling now.

    Thanks for a great post, had our hearts racing just reading it.

    Tim and Trace

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: and now for something completely different...


    I am gonna try it again. Be better prepared. Sing out if you and Trace wanna join me. You got an anchor in that new rig of yours right?

  11. #11

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Quote Originally Posted by Funchy View Post

    I am gonna try it again. Be better prepared. Sing out if you and Trace wanna join me. You got an anchor in that new rig of yours right?
    Trace was just saying to me...with wide eyes ..."Where did that happen? Just under the bridge where we launch when we are up there???" "Yep" I said...then her eyes lit up like only a true angler"s eyes can do and I could just about hear her mind working on a plan. Damn shame easter is fully booked for us with this bloody renovation...but perhaps we can swing something, it is only an hour down the road after all

  12. #12

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Hey mate we seen you there this morning and havebheard about this spot before. Unfortunately we had slept in a lil to long and missed the tide.....

    We trooped all the canals looking for Jew and live baited for a bit but no luck.

    Congrats on the fish if I see you there next time will say hello

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jootis View Post
    Hey mate we seen you there this morning and havebheard about this spot before. Unfortunately we had slept in a lil to long and missed the tide.....

    We trooped all the canals looking for Jew and live baited for a bit but no luck.

    Congrats on the fish if I see you there next time will say hello
    Was that you with the tinny and leccy?

    Nice to meet you guys, and hope to see you soon back out there (Maybe a bit ealrier? )

  14. #14

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Yeah mate that was us!!! If me mate don't sleep in next time we will be there. Have a good one mate!!!

  15. #15

    Re: and now for something completely different...

    Only thing that comes close to landing a great fish, is fighting one and losing it.
    I dunno about everyone else, but I love hooking the 'unstoppables'.

    And as others have said, landing a fish like that solo (ie getting it in the boat/yak) is often harder than getting it boatside.
    Not so long ago I caught a 7.5kg Jewie. The thing I most remember is getting it close to the boat, realising I'd left the landing net on the yak, and wondering how I was going to get it in the boat. First put my hand in it's mouth. Not the best idea. Had to grab it under the gills, all the time worried I was going to lose my rod over the side of the boat!


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