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Thread: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

  1. #1

    Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Shot out to some new ground with my mate who has pulled good fish every trip and i have only just got him on plastics but he,s taken to it like snapper to plastics. On first light at 4 30am high he gets a touch then a run then another long run then he,s hooked and the 3000 on a rack radder is off for a long doggid fight on a 7 inch pink shine berkley. He hooked him in top of lip so it wasnt getting off but pulling it to surface was a battle. After 3 attemps on the gaff i finally got him on board my boat. Another good fish from lucky. I am getting better at netting at least. I get him on the spots with tide, moon and spot and he catches them. Looks like i better bring him on the next fishing comp if i wanna score a plClick image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0419.jpg 
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ID:	78522ace hah. We thought a good snapper uyntil it didnt stop after giving him some hurt for a while. It went about 1350mm long and weight was 17.2 kilos.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0416.jpg 
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Size:	42.1 KB 
ID:	78520Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0421.jpg 
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ID:	78521Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0422.jpg 
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Size:	33.9 KB 
ID:	78523Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0432.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	97.7 KB 
ID:	78524

  2. #2

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Wow gr8 jew on sp gear. lucky!

  3. #3

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Nice fish. Great report. Many thanks.


  4. #4

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Nice catch, seen a few nice ones snagged of placcys lately on here.
    I caught my best Mulloway on a Berkly worm and 1/20 jig, lip hooked just like that one ,so was not getting away on 10lb leader (90cm).

    Though 1.3 m is quite a hefty fish, good effort.



  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
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    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Top fish and good report mate. 3 hits a gaffing!!!! Least you had a gaff mate haaahahhahaaa

  6. #6
    Well done mate but i think you might need a bigger esky!

  7. #7

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Beautiful fish! Well done!

  8. #8

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    way to go dave. thats an absolute cracker. might have to do that trip you offered me soon. no, hang on , make that later - after you've had some more practice gaffing lol.
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  9. #9

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Wow!! Davo nice fish mate..Gee that looked like a great fighting fish...nice work mate.


  10. #10

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Good Jewie, time to bin that crap esky and get yourself a decent size one

    cheers tim

  11. #11

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Huuuge mate! Well done!


  12. #12

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    cracker fish dave well done

  13. #13

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Quote Originally Posted by rosco1974 View Post
    cracker fish dave well done

    GO THE PLASTICS hey rosco

    cheers tim

  14. #14

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    will send a pic to ya soon tim just organising the bait for the meet and greets..there will be no pics of plastics thats for sure...
    least some 1 on here knows how to use plastics as you and brian don't....the team name for brians boat for meet and greet should be donut dave will come over and show you blokes how to fish with plastic

  15. #15

    Re: Monster Jew in bay by lucky

    Netmaker - i will need to remember how to hook with plastics again after - Lucky - keeps hooking them before me so all i do is chase them, net em and take photos of em. I will remember how to do it once i fish solo a few times to give myself a chance. I need some comps so i can bring my new weapon (Lucky) but i never find out about them.

    Rosco - Once you have a go on plastics you probably wont go back to smelly bait but what ever works and well done on finding the pelagics and hooking them.

    TimD - Its good to use plastics and hook up amongst anchored bait boys so they send down good burley but each to there own eh.

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