Took my new reel out for a fish last night off the beach and was pretty impressed.
Definitely made the right choice.
Reel is not silky smooth when you pick it up out of the box but when your using it in the surf everything falls into place and you realise when fishing amongst breakers there is no need for silky smooth and the reel feels great!
Casting seems pretty good, never copped one tangle or poor cast in mostly darkness.
Bail less design, had to get used to it but could easily flick the line onto the roller in the dark without looking, since we are pretty much used to the same action of checking the line position when we flick a manual bail.
Drag is heavy and you cannot set it light as if a bait-runner when sitting in a holder unless you have the knob so loose you risk it falling off, which will be a problem for running jewfish that can fumble a bait sitting on a heavy drag setting.
Might see if it can be adjusted... or just live with it.
High retrieve of just under a meter per turn is pretty good as I hate winding like mad in the surf to get a bait back, retrieve rates vary amongst models and this one has a high retrieve, very noticeable.
The bream was too small a fish for the reel though it did manage a run of about 10 meters taking drag with it, but this reel is solid as a rock and is definitely made for large fish.
Good to be able to not worry about sand and water in the dark, a real bonus and feels as robust as an Alvey when it comes to sand and water after a dunk.
Reel has a lot of drain holes in it so it can rinse easily/quickly.
I did have it on a 15 ft rod and it matched up pretty good; it will also go nicely on the 12 ft rod I have on lay-buy.
Definitely a decent result for a test run.
Bream caught on tail half of a pike on a 7/0 Circle hook..
Very pleased with the robust nature of the reel, nothing rudimentary about it at all, it's a precision bit of gear.
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