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Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids
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Thread: Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member marvin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids

    The Bundaberg Sport Fishing Club hosted a tag a long trip tothe Rockhampton area in March, with several club members making the 3 and ahalf hour journey north to fish some of the unfamiliar waterways of the centralcoast.

    With help from the local ANSA anglers of the Keppel baysport fishing club, the Bundy anglers set off in search of a variety of speciesincluding, barramundi, salmon, mangrove jack, fingermark, flathead, mangrovejack and any other species that were willing to take a lure or presented bait.

    My family was kindly guided by Dan Powell, and after a prefish briefing on the Friday evening we had a plan set to fish the areasupstream from the Port Alma boat ramp. Danhad fished similar areas in the preceding days with good results of Barra andother species caught on lures. The waterclarity in this area was much better than the town reaches of the Fitzroy whichwas a liquid brown with only centimetres of visibility. We had trolled lures there on the Fridayafternoon with no results at all.

    We arrived at the Port Alma boat ramp around 0900hrslaunching the boat with high anticipation of fishing a new area to us, the kidswere keen as mustard and with our trust in the hands of “Dan” to put us onto some areas that couldproduce some fish.

    After a quick run up river, we were shown the rock bar thatcrosses the main river and then we turned into a creek locally known as Reedy’screek on the left as we headed upstream in the main Raglan creek. Dan told us to look for fallen structure andlure for Barra around the fallen cave ins or slipped bank sections up thecreek.

    We chose to use Trans am lures for this outing, as a matehad been having some good catches on these lures around Bundy. On my second cast to a slipped section of theriver bank, I hooked up to a healthy 55cm Barramundi that was landed,photographed, tagged and released.

    The day was off to a great start for us, with the creeklooking very fishy to me, we were confident of finding a few more fish, Dan andAaron offered to show us another area some 35kms away, but we elected to stickit out in the relatively sheltered creek as the wind outside was blowing around20 knots.

    We worked the creek upstream fishing any snag or fallen mudbank with the Trans am lures, with a cast out, let it sink to the bottom, liftthe rod tip, then let it sink again, winding in the slack whilst keeping an eyeon the slack line, then lift the rod tip again, repeating this process back tothe boat. Working the lures withattention to slowness and allowing the lure to fall naturally was the main keyto hook-ups. The slower we worked thelures the higher the hook up rate seemed to be.

    We had altered the hooks from the original ones, to a typewith a more circle style gape that minimised snagging and seemed to hold thefish on the hooks once the strike was made. We never lost a hooked fish after the initial strike with this set up.

    With the dropping tide, we worked upstream looking forslipped bank sections or any form of structure in the water like mangrovetrees, branches, logs, even single twigs that were sticking out of the water.

    Multiple casts up to 20 casts per snag were made and mosthook-ups came on the natural fall of the lures action. Everyone in our family of five landed a fish,of either Barramundi, king Salmon orestuary cod. The salmon were taken increek mouths fishing the lures through dirty to clean water lines near theoutflow of the drain creeks into the main system.

    Brodie made several hundred casts changing the colour of thelure to try and entice a strike. Hispersistence paid off, with the last fish of the day being a 55cm Barramunditaking his Jackall Trans am lure with gusto. It was happy days after nearly five hours ofcasting and retrieving a lure. Well donebuddy….

    Abby (6 years old) landed a 65cm King Salmon, Jesse (9 yearsold) scored a nice Gold Spot Estuary Cod, Margie landed a feisty Barra too andI managed 3 barra and one Threadfin salmon.

    The day ended with a total of eight fish tagged andreleased, including 5 barramundi, 2 threadfin salmon and an estuary cod. We had worked a 2 kilometre section of thecreek using only lures and no other baits and no trolling methods weredeployed.

    We were very great full to Dan for his kindness in sharinghis local knowledge with us, and we were absolutely stoked with the fish wecaught, tagged and released in the 4 hours or so that we fished this area.
    Cheers Kev.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member marvin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Abby Charteris with a 65cm King Salmon.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	49.6 KB 
ID:	78444Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Brodie Charteris with a nice little Barra.jpg 
Views:	5 
Size:	43.1 KB 
ID:	78443Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Jesse Charteris with an estuary cod.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	40.2 KB 
ID:	78442Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kevin Charteris with a Barra that was tagged and released.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	46.8 KB 
ID:	78441Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Margie Charteris with a little Barra tagged ready for release.jpg 
Views:	8 
Size:	39.9 KB 
ID:	78440

    Here are a few pics of our fun day out. Cheers Kev.

  3. #3

    Re: Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids

    Nice work Kevin. Looks and sounds like the family had a great time.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member ifishcq1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids

    Hey Marvin
    Abby made the fishing page of local paper today with the king

  5. #5

    Re: Barra king salmon and cod port alma area with my missus and kids

    I was just about to say I recognized that king salmon, as Scotty said it was in todays bully. Well done Kev a top day out on the water with the family and not a bad sort of a guide u picked yourself. Thanks for the report

    Cheers from boony
    Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
    "Fishing was around along time before you darling"

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