About 1pm we decided to head up to gosford to throw the boat in and try our luck with a bit of fishing.
I had checked the weather reports and they said rain .. i woke up to a beautiful day so we thought why not, decided to launch from the ramp at Gosford near the stadium had never gone out from here before.
We had a chat to a fisheries officer who was about to leave as we arrived he mentioned there was some good tailor bream and flatheads aroundm, top bloke too.
After about an hour of nothing we started getting bites and they were very frequent then we wound one line in and not even realising there was a big flatty on the line as it got to the top it started thrashing wildly and before i could get the new under it the line snapped and away he went so that just made us more determined .. a few mins later i managed to land another flatty got it in the net and into the boat it came in at 48cms so i was pretty happy with that.
After that there was just one undersize snapper and then the bites stopped this was on the run out tide, so after that we decided to head back.
Was nice out there might have to give the area another go in the coming weeks water was pretty flat and there was mild winds.
Here's the one that didn't get away.