Bloody hell, this is a mouth watering thread with all its tails of giant flatties and jew....can't wait to get to the Clarrence! Might even have a first ever go at targeting jewies
Bloody hell, this is a mouth watering thread with all its tails of giant flatties and jew....can't wait to get to the Clarrence! Might even have a first ever go at targeting jewies
great report ,
by the way where is the best boat ramp to launch from the Iluka side.
John there are only a couple that i know of. The one i used was pretty good. It is situated right at the end of the little bay inside the rock wall. Just back up the road a bit from the Tourist Park. Very boat friendly as it is so calm from being inside the wall, little pontoon and fantastic fish cleaning facility
For a bit of fun, try fishing at night in the trawler harbour....thats where you get the real Clarence river Flathead....... (really giant stingrays that you will not stop)...great fun tho
Gotta Love Maroochydore.
good post,just spent time there myself,watched a mate bag some good jew,missed a few biggins myself,Big Flatties are in 10 metres + of water on 3rd shelf,and you only need 8lb braid/15lb leader and 1-3 kg rod to bag 10kg+ jewies,no need to take the heavy gear unless you want the 20kg+ models.
Hey SPDude, i remember your recent posts from there. If i had another few days i wouldve definitely got round to have a decent crack at the jewies, i did have a little flick late one arvo in wat looked like Jew territory. Inside the middle wall, at the western end (freeburn island end ?) enter through the gap in the wall from Iluka side, sharp turn right. Theres a yellow marker there n just before it drops to about 12 meters. Not far from the wall or the bank. Got dusted on a 6" sandworm, wacked it, moved around slowly for a few seconds, then full throttle toward the marker and snapped the lot. Like you said, was hooked on a 1-3kg starlo classix & shimano sienna 1000 with 6 braid n 8 leader (all fish were caught on this). Had the missus and the young fella n it started really pissing down so took off. Never tried there again, jus got addicted to the flatties up around the sandbar that hits the middle of the wall on the Yamba side. Biggest we caught went 73 (although had a few good bit offs from bigger fish) and was caught while my motor was stuck in the sand. No more than 30cm deep.
yeah,good rush isnt it,i got dusted on a freams 3000,drag set very firm,on 3-5kg raider 8lb fins,it run 30 metres on me.heaps of flatty around rabbit island in the shallows but only to 50cms,that hole your talking about,is a good spot to jig livies,and a better spot for big cod and jew.Will be going down again soon.
Yea incredible feeling after it all busted up haha. I will remember it next time i go. We got onto a couple around rabbit island and teh sandbar that comes out between rabbit and 'the peninsula' at yamba.
Awesome Deano great pics ,thanks for sharing them i was up at the middle wall 2 weeks ago well bout the 7th and at the low tide heaps of fish on the sounder and not a bloody bite lol,the luck of the draw hey. The week before i gota nice flatty of 60cm on a tsunami drop bear 100mm slick bait that was fun .Thanks for the heads up on the placcys you were using ,and the look on the young feller is priceless.
Cheers Rob
Shut up and fish
Cheers Rob, yea he was pretty proud of himself. He is telling me right now he wants to go to the Tinny show and get some bream fishing gear (he is only 3). The flatties were only going the gulps they tore em to shreds