Just spent a week down at Iluka fishing the mighty Clarence River.
Started off chasing a few bream down at Browns Rocks. Landing fish after fish all about 26-27cm got boring pretty quick, so thought we would head up and try find some of these monster flatties they have been raving on about down there.
Well we never landed any real monsters but did lose 2 or 3 close to the boat which looked seriously close to 1mtr fish. Biggest i saw caught over the week went 96. Took about 30 -45mins to bag out on flatties on each occasion fishing the inside of the Middle Wall. Most fish around 40 - 50cm Then the rest were caught n let go. There must be thousands of lizards hanging around that wall.
All flathead were caught between 0.3m - 1.5m on plastics gulp 4" minnows and 5" shads with the Pilchard colour doing 90% of the damage. 3 Packs for $24 at Dizzy bait Iluka - not too bad. Needed every last one too. Awesome fun i must say on 6 pound braid 8 pound leader. Taste alright too
Awesome weather all week, with dead low definitely the pick of the tides. Packed up early this morning n headed home away from a 30 knot wind stormTimed it perfect
Also if anybody is down that way, the Jewfish are being caught in huge numbers along the main walls at Iluka and Yamba, i just didnt have heavy enough gear with me to chase em.
Also, the little bloke got his fish fish too, a 25cm bream. He even caught the herring on a bait jig which caught the bream.