G'day all, i have a rod that was the first rod i built, 6 foot boat rod, calstar. Anyway, its showing the signs of pain, heaps of guide foot cracking, can even feel the thread through some of those areas, also see that i have some busted thread on one guide, bit of a mess but i guess we all started somewhere. All this a combination of to tight on the binds, not enough grinding on the guide feet and poor epoxy job me thinks, hopefully my latest builds are not in this shape in few years!!
Anyway i'll rebuild it later this year when i get some time, in the meantime i just want to try and help hold the whole show together for a bit given i use this thing all the time (fraser trip looming). What would happen if i cleaned the rod and just stuck another coat of epoxy over the existing binds/epoxy . Wild idea i know, but would it work till i get around to full rebuild??