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LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterways - Page 4
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Thread: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterways

  1. #46
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    from M. R. MP..26.10.11:

    "I like artis and would like to see more of them. Problem is that Qld is broke - $85 billion debt, budget deficits before considering more artis. So just don't know if we have the funds. That's the best I can do for now. May not know unless we get into govt - if we do? "

    what has changed to be offering all these funds etc??????

  2. #47

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Delisser View Post
    I too appreciate statements on fishing by any political party being cut & pasted on here, but I recon it should always be pointed out at the start of the post if its a straight out media release. I'm sure it was just an oversight this time as Phill has normaly done this in the past.
    Well here is one straight from their web site:

    Highlights - Outdoor Recreation
    • Establish the Queensland Fish and Wildlife Authority to promote and facilitate safe and sustainable fish and wildlife
    activities throughout the State, including:
    - Implement net free and or recreational only fishing areas around all large cities and towns on the
    coast and smaller towns that want one.
    - Declare Tailor, Australian Salmon and all Trevally species to be recreational only fish.
    - Develop Freshwater fisheries to a higher standard to grow regional tourism
    - Allow recreational fishing with one line and one hook in selected green zones and marine parks where there is
    no threat to biodiversity.
    - Review all current marine parks and remove classifications on those where there is no evidence based
    Taken from here;

  3. #48

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    That the Greens are starting to eat away at the ALP and the ALP are just letting them. We can only hope that in the near future both parties stick the boots into the Greens and move away from them and back into their original camps so at least we the voters can have a clearer choice on who to give our vote too with the knowledge of what the hell they stand for.
    A big concern for the ALP is that a large % of voters lost to the Libs & Nat can be won back at the next election, but 50% of the voters they loose to the Greens never come back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Horse View Post
    That commercial buyback policy is the first bit of light to escape the LNP Black Hole. Lets hope there are more to come. I really want to see the Green Zone access one
    My only concern is that in the past commercial buy backs have meant a lot $$$ gets handed over for licences that are hardly worked.

  4. #49

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Delisser View Post

    My only concern is that in the past commercial buy backs have meant a lot $$$ gets handed over for licences that are hardly worked.
    Very true. I posted much the same on another thread. Each licence should be capped at current catch levels given previous history then if you sell a hard worked one you can't buy back in at base level and start fishing the licence hard
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  5. #50

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    from the ALP;

    Media Release

    A new Labor Government will renew and strengthen the State’s focus on protecting the Great Barrier Reef and marine life for future generations of Queenslanders.
    Premier Anna Bligh said the Government would extend landmark programs to protect the reef from chemicals and sediment and introduce new measures to protect marine life.

    “The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most valuable pieces of natural heritage in the world and we have a duty to protect it for future generations of Queenslanders,” she said.

    “In the last two years we have implemented a program to protect the reef from dangerous chemicals and sediment.
    “But we know we must be ever vigilant to new threats to the reef and to our marine life.”

    Under the Reef Watch regime the Bligh Government will: A $12 million voluntary buy-out of netting licences and a structural adjustment of the netting industry will be carried out to protect turtles and dugongs and promote recreational fishing. Extend funding to support reef protection officers ($10 million per year for support and enforcement) to 2020;

    Ms Bligh said Reef Watch would build on Labor’s work to improving the health of the Reef.

    “My government has moved decisively to protect the reef. Two years ago we implemented new regulations to limit the worst practices causing dangerous run off into the reef immediately, whilst ensuring that every property raises its standards over time,” she said.

    “Our plan is working and we have delivered a real reduction in nitrogen run off right across the critical reef catchments.

    “Currently the Government has allocated funding to support reef protection and support officers who enforce reef regulations and help farmers, until 2013/2014.
    “To build and lock in the success we have achieved that funding will continue until 2020 – with another $10 million allocated in the forward estimates.

    Ms Bligh said Labor had introduced 16 dugong protection areas in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

    “Both dugongs and marine turtles are iconic native species of Queensland waters but some accidental catching in commercial netting continues to be a threat to both species.
    “At the same time, there is great conflict between recreational and commercial fishing in some areas of Queensland and evidence that there are too many netters to make this particular sector successfully viable.

    “That’s why we will work with industry to begin a buy-back of net fishing licences, with $10 million on the table to significantly reduce the number of nets through a voluntary tender process.

    “It will be followed by a structural adjustment of the industry so that the commercial net fishing industry is more profitable and allows different management approaches to be developed into the future that provide greater flexibility and certainty for those fishers who remain.

    ‘We will consult with Queensland Seafood Industry Alliance, Sunfish and WWF on designing the buyout package.

    “With the buy-out of netters achieved, new areas will be declared for netting closures and restrictions.

    “These will serve as much needed sanctuaries for dugongs and turtles and we will see significantly reduced entanglement and by-catch for these precious species.
    “It will also increase the line fishing opportunities for recreational fishers along our coastline.

    “This initiative will be deployed in close consultation with key stakeholders, particularly the Commonwealth, the fishing industry and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.”

    Funding for this initiative will come from savings from the carbon geo-storage initiative.
    MEDIA CONTACT: 07 3224 4500
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  6. #51

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    I can't believe it. Mark Robinsons predictions have come true lol Not only did the ALP copy the LNP but they managed to do it in one day.

    I am not sure why some of you look so intently on your local member. Under this system, they will tow the party line EVERY time. There is no point having a better local member if they are part of a party that has been rubbish for 2 decades.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  7. #52

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Good on ya, Phil. That positions the statement better.

    A multiplicity of thanks.


  8. #53

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    Under this system, they will tow the party line EVERY time.

    Does that mean that they are just trolling lures to catch gullible fishermen?


  9. #54

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    I'm not sure what you mean Charlie. All I am saying is that our system stinks to high heaven. Sitting back and looking who will best represent your electorate is largely a waste of time.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  10. #55

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Guys, when I post a personal response etc, I always use " me, I etc :"...... and yes, I usually acknowledge copyright or author when copy and pasteing... missed doing that on page 2 of this thread and apologies. Been doing " stupid " hours at work, which is no excuse.

    I haven't given up hope on the LNP and Mark delivering some policy with " substance "...

    I am the ' glass half full " type ?

    When it comes down it, I suppose I looked at it this way.... I have seen and felt the brunt of this financially inept government and it's morally devoid ministers for far too long. If for no other reason, than to haul Queensland out of the cesspit, I will put a tick in the right box on March 24 ( well, I won't as I have already sent my potsal vote away, so it's done )

    If the LNP get over the line in 14 days time, I am sure they will stay there for 2 or 3 terms and that can only be a good thing for Qld and rec fishos. IMO.

    What I am concerned about now about is Katters Australia Party. I can feel the ground swell of support and Big Bob is certainly spruiking the right words to the voters that are debating the merits, or otherwise of the 2 majors.

    Fielding 76 canditates out of the 89 seats will pull many many votes away from both the LNP and ALP, and how those votes are preferenced will be critical. Forget the Greens, they are last weeks news and a spent force............ IMO.

    I am going out to dinner on the night of March 24 and hope to be chugg-a-lugging Champers, but feel I will be left hanging... as in parliament !!!!!!!!!

    Interesting times ahead, good people, interesting times indeed.

    cheers LP
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  11. #56

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Does not matter one iotta what policy the ALP come up with, they are on the bottom line of betting at a 1000/1 and blow'n like a southerly. Won't win in a month of Sundays pinching LNP policy or not.

    The only thing that really matters is what is Marks mob going to do for Rec Fisho's not if they win govt but when in Govt.


  12. #57

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    I'm not sure what you mean Charlie. All I am saying is that our system stinks to high heaven. Sitting back and looking who will best represent your electorate is largely a waste of time.

    I was just teasing you Lovey80. You meant to write, "Toe the party line" instead of "Tow the party line"....although "tow the party line" is also not inappropriate in a fishing forum.

    Please excuse my teasing. You see, I am such a literalist - eg, when the doctor tells me to strip to the waist, I take off my trousers.

    On a more serious note, I must say that I cannot fully agree with you about the futility of voting at the local level. In an era when there is so little difference in flavour between the major parties and all the election is about is based on the personalties of the leaders, who we must concede may be changed in the party room at any time, the best that I can do is to look at the quality of the person who directly represents me, viz my local member.

    When I have been in total disgust of the situation - something that has happened a few times in my life - I will vote for some also-ran independent who needs my vote to get their deposit back and direct my second preference to whatever major party is least unpalatable to me.

    Gotta tell you though, just as many people struggle with the state Labor personalities, I really struggle with seeing a few of the LNP old hacks in positions of responsibility. I cringe at any time that I see Seeney or Flegg or one or two other LNP senior people on TV. Surely, they can do better than having those galoots. Australian politics needs a good flush out of the long timers who are only still there by attrition of the younger, more energetic people with strong belief systems but who don't have the patience to outlast the numb old galoots.


  13. #58
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    We will consult with Queensland Seafood Industry Alliance, Sunfish and WWF on designing the buyout package.
    Would someone like to tell me what WWF stands for? Because if I didn't know better I would think that it stood for World Wildlife Fund. But surely Anna is not suggesting that that particularly revolting bunch of wacko extremists would have ANY say in the running of this state and in particular who can fish where? SURELY NOT!!!

  14. #59

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    wouldn't suprise me fafnir, I think they may have a say in world heritage I used to subscribe to 'Nature' as a 10yo.
    like most groups there are plenty of moderate-thinking folk but yeah, way way way too many extremist, self-appointed planet-savers IMO.
    hopefully their political lifecycle is approaching it's end.

  15. #60

    Re: LNP invests $120 million in boating and fishing infrastructure, deepening waterwa

    WWF = World Wildlife Fund or their representatives / associates being =

    AMCS ( Australian Marine Conservation Society ) in most cases here in SEQ ( Simon Boltarse )


    QCC ( Queensland Conservation Council )


    WPSQ ( Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland )

    or maybe it's simply the World Wrestling Federation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and yes, Captain Bligh is still getting into bed with the Loonies........ there are more moderate and sensible conservation groups out there and these are the ones that should be the stakeholders invited to participate in any " marine / fishing " consultative groups.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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