MArk your postings on this forum perfectly ilustrate the old saying- it is better to be thought an idiot than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
Your postulating and trotting out the party line and avoiding any reasonable questions has undoubtedly lost you many more fisho votes than they have won. It would have been better for you not to have uttered a word.
And what ever happened to all those that said "Having Mark engaging us here on ausfish is a great thing " - piffle then and piffle now. This shows the quality of the senior LNP leadership ...... couldn't tie their own shoelaces without Cando - With Cando struggling to win Ashgrove - who will take over if he fails ?
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Ain't that the truth?!!!!!!
My local LNP candidate is a bloke called Steve Minnikin who I have never heard of. (I have lived here in the same house continuously for 29 years and for an earlier period of 11 years nearby in the same electorate.)
So, being a voter who likes to make a rational assessment of the candidates and who won't throw away a vote on football-team-like partisanship, I Googled him to find out more about him.
Nope. Nothing there.
So I looked him up on the LNP website. All that tells me is the name of his wife and kids and that his wife is a high school teacher. Not a word about what he does for a living nor what community involvement that he has ever had other than that he has lived in the area for most of his life.
So, when the LNP letterbox flyers have come around, I have opened them eagerly to see what information there is about this mysterious man who is asking me to help get him a cushy job in state parliament.
What disappointment! All that I read about is about Campbell Newman with a photo of him and Minnikin and references to Campbell's four element strategy categorisation. You know the one - his "Four Pillar" strategy list....
.....or should that be his "Four Pillow" strategy list, given the ongoing adverts alleging his family's dodgy business dealings? ( I have come to believe that the Labor TV adverts must be 100% true because if there were even the slightest looseness in their allegations, they would have been taken off air by court injunctions weeks ago.)
So, my local LNP candidate is absolutely, totally anonymous to me. Indeed, the only campaigning that I have seen in his name is the presence of people in blue t-shirts at major intersections in the area on Saturdays, waving frantically to passersby, most of whom would not live in the electorate anyway. I suspect that he is one of them because a car adorned with his picture and signage is parked nearby the Creek/Old Cleveland intersection on most of the occasions that people are out there waving away madly.
So the bloke is anonymous to me. I have no idea who he is, what he does for a living, what community affiliations he has, if any, what his own political perceptions, interpretations or beliefs are, nor anything about him whatsoever, other than the names of his wife and two kids and the fact that his wife works as a high school teacher.
As for the LNP fishing policy, or anyone's fishing policy, for that matter, I will file that in the "politicians' pre-election promises" folder. You know the one - it contains these (actual quotes) ...
"Read my lips, there will be no carbon tax."
"Read my lips, there will be no GST."
"Read my lips, there will be no new taxes."
Last week, I heard a radio national program featuring the very well credentialed Andrew Robb who commented that consistent election experience shows that once a candidate has doubts about trust hanging over their head, the games all over, red rover.
On that basis, Campbell is "dead man walking" going into this election.
So, given that it is such a presidential style election, what does that leave us with? The LNP front bench comprises an embarrassing bunch of old goats who should be retired to allow new blood a chance to operate without being tainted by old front bench galoots like Seeney and Flegg. I agree with Horse that Springborg appears to be a man of honesty and integrity and it is unfortunate that at his last tilt at the top job, his greatest error was to not express himself with the same genuine conviction that he portrayed in giving his losing concession speech - one of the most heartfelt losing concession speeches that we have heard in Queensland.
So at this stage, I won't trust any politician's promises. I would much prefer to get more of an appreciation about what make the candidates tick; what their own personal values are; where they personally stand on issues that are important to me. Smart investors know always to invest in the character of the man, not necessarily what his current business looks like. Two weeks out from the election, I don't have that information about the LNP other than Campbell's four pillows' list of motherhood type strategy statements.
So, at this stage, I am probably going to vote for my sitting ALP member because at least I know that he used to be in the noble profession of being a fireman. I know absolutely nothing about the LNP guy. Absolutely nothing. His school teacher wife will be giving him a "must try harder" comment on his report card after this election, I reckon.
That just made the morning coffee more enjoyable Charlie. Old goats and galoots hahaha. Mark probably thinks the same but, unlike you, isn't retired so can't say it.
A CanDo LNP will act to safeguard Queensland's marine resources for the future by ensuring we have an environmentally and economically sustainable fishing industry.
An LNP Government will invest $10 million into a package which will help to restore the health and wellbeing of our fisheries and sustainability in the commercial fishing industry.
The LNP will grow a four pillar economy across our industry, and understands the importance of a viable seafood industry and the interests of the over 750,000 Queenslanders who enjoy recreational fishing.
The tired 20 year Labor Government has ignored the needs of both Queensland seafood industry and our recreational fishers.
Most fishing activity occurs in the East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery, which operates up the entire Queensland east coast.
Fishery management arrangements are complex, however all stakeholders agree that a reduction in fishing pressure is an important step in improving the health of our fishery.
The LNP is committed to delivering a strong, viable, healthy and sustainable commercial fishing industry. Under the Bligh Labor Government the commercial fishing industry has struggled and many fishermen face an uncertain future.
The LNP is committed to the health and wellbeing of our fisheries and will undertake a $9 million voluntary buyback program in consultation with the industry. The buyback will target large mesh and gill nets with a special focus on important recreational fishing locations and areas of high
conservation value.
In addition, to ensure the long term sustainability of our fisheries, we will invest up to $1 million in a range of sustainability measures including enhanced monitoring of fisheries on a regional basis.
This voluntary buyback will deliver greater sustainability for the commercial fishing industry.
Importantly the removal of these nets will deliver positive conservation outcomes for dugongs, turtles and inshore dolphins in waters of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
There will be increased recreational fishing opportunities and a more profitable and sustainable commercial fishing industry.
The LNP understands fishing is one of the most popular pastimes in Queensland, with an estimated 750,000 recreational fishers in this State. Fishing is very much a part of life in Queensland.
It's time for a change. With your help a strong and united LNP Government will get Queensland back on track.
LNP Policy Commitments:
• $10 million targeted buyback of commercial fishing licences
• Restore the health of Queensland's fishery
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
In the big scheme of things the reality is and painful as it is the LNP do not need the rec fishing vote to get them over the line. They are a govt in waiting just as it was down here in NSW such was the bitterness toward a very tired and visionless ALP.
The only real decision in the upcoming QLD state is not will you have the LNP or ALP running the state but whom will be running the LNP in govt.
One of Marks very first contributions on this site Re wotif was very questionable factually.
On the upside Mark still has the best part of a fortnight to demonstrate just how the LNP is the rec fishers buddy in all this, not an outlandish claim just one he has been spruiking on here about for what seems like an eternity.
Mark has made many a claim over time and if can do does not unshackle him shortly Marks credibility will be well and truly shot to bits.
Ah Phil - fair go! You are feeding us election-speak.
( No, that was a copy and paste from a press release.. that's all) I am assuming that you are an ardent LNP supporter or even a member of the party. I would not believe any such wordsmith crafted announcements. Put them in the category of :-
"Read my lips, there will be no carbon tax."
"Read my lips, there will be no GST."
"Read my lips, there will be no new taxes."
Why is your post all election-speak? If nothing else, because of its opening line, of course... "A CanDo LNP will act to ..."
There ain't gonna be a "Cando LNP". There might be an LNP Government but there ain't gonna be a "CanDo LNP". Campbell is "dead man walking" electorally. His latest promise, made today, about he and his wife selling all of their business interests IF elected appears to me as just more election speak. There is no evidence of commitment in that. Let him sell the interest now, two weeks before the election if he has real commitment. It is "all over, red rover" for Cando.
Nah - just all election speak. Worth nuthin'! Absolutely nuhin'.
Even the LNP TV adverts are inept examples of advertising. The true believers will soak them up and think they are wonderful but what will the great bulk of the people see?
What they will see is the ALP brand blazoned all over the advert for nearly all of the time that it is on the screen. Sure the voice-over contains some words critical of the ALP performance but who listens to the words? Communications experts tell us that the actual words represent only 7% of the received communication so what a wasted effort that is. The only reference to the LNP is in pretty fine print in the last frame of the advert. So the LNP have funded a TV advert that looks more like an ALP advert than an LNP advert, especially to people like me who usually hit the mute button on the remote whenever the ad break comes on.
Ya gotta admit it. Once again, the LNP looks like they are going to lose an unlosable election.
Leave out the wordsmith crafted electoral announcements out of this forum. They lack sincerity which is what the entire LNP campaign is lacking, I reckon.
Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 11-03-2012 at 11:05 PM.
Some great points there charleville.
I have been reflecting this morning on the sad state of politics and have started to form some opinions on the matter that I feel are very much along the lines of what you have said.
The challenge as I see it is that the two major parties are so similar to each other. Unlike years gone by where there were clear distinctions between the two major parties, now they seem so similar that it's hard to see much difference in choosing one over the other.
I believe that part of the reason for this is because of the environmental vote. I don't mean the dyed in the wool, green outside, red inside brigade, but the trendy inner city 'wanna feel like I'm doing something without doing anything' voters. The Greens have a lot of them, ALP have some of them and the LNP seemingly have none of them but want them. And the reason for their vote being such a focal point I think is two-fold. Firstly the Global Warming debate had pushed quite a few people into the Green way of thinking, making it trendy to be seen to at least vote for a party that would do something about this mythical problem. Secondly the left leaning ABC/Fairfax media strongly influence these trendies, whilst attacking the LNP at every opportunity and the LNP for some reason seem to go out of their way to avoid that type of confrontation these days.
But people are sick of, and starting to wake up to, the whole global warming BS. It's not as trendy and I like a lot of others am just waiting for someone from the LNP to come out and say 'AGW is a crock of sh*t'. Imagine the votes they would get if they did? There would be outrage from the left leaning media but so what? The LNP - as much as they kid themselves otherwise - will never attract the voters the left media appeal to anyway.
I had hoped (which is why I am so frustrated) that the LNP would come out and target things like green zones, green schemes, renewable (read: expensive, will never produce) energy programs etc, etc in this state election. But they don't. Not only don't they attack where they should and give people a clear choice between two parties, they appoint the lean to the left Newman who tries to suck up even harder to the trendy semi-green set, making it almost impossible to tell the LNP and ALP apart.
Furthermore, and this goes to what you've said charleville, they don't seem to have the guts to come out and stand for anything. Just a wishy washy mission statement with no insights into their real beliefs or policies. And as you say, no insights into their candidates. Now I can understand that in some ways after the stuff-ups in past campaigns by people like Bruce Flegg, but I think they've gone too far. They've put all their eggs into the Can Do basket and that basket looks to be full of holes.
And going back to my point about the green vote, I have heard a number of political commentators say that they feel that the ALP should start to distance themselves from the Greens, particularly at the federal level, where ALP voters are sick of seeing Bob Brown run the country. That the Greens are starting to eat away at the ALP and the ALP are just letting them. We can only hope that in the near future both parties stick the boots into the Greens and move away from them and back into their original camps so at least we the voters can have a clearer choice on who to give our vote too with the knowledge of what the hell they stand for.
I should point out that my long post was in response to your first post charleville. I actually don't agree with some of your points in your second post. I do agree with the advertising points though. They seem to have employed idiots to create their campaigns again.
Phill is obviously cutting and pasting policy announcements/press releases without putting any of his own thoughts on them into his post. I actually appreciate it, saves me hunting around for them. And I like this latest policy announcement - although it doesn't lock them into delivering. But I am still waiting to hear what they are going to do about these stinking green zones.
That commercial buyback policy is the first bit of light to escape the LNP Black Hole. Lets hope there are more to come. I really want to see the Green Zone access one
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
I too appreciate statements on fishing by any political party being cut & pasted on here, but I recon it should always be pointed out at the start of the post if its a straight out media release. I'm sure it was just an oversight this time as Phill has normaly done this in the past.