View Poll Results: bait reef fishing line type

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  • Braid

    101 65.16%
  • Mono

    22 14.19%
  • Both depending on water depth?

    32 20.65%
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Thread: bait bottom bouncing line type

  1. #31

    Re: bait bottom bouncing line type

    30lb Platypus low stretch for floatlining, trolling, floating livies everything other than straight bottom bashing. Then I like braid. Only because the only time I bottom bash is usually upwards of 70m deep for pearlies etc. Then I use 20lb braid. Bream whiting etc with bait I like mono but to toss plastics which is rare I do have a light braid outfit..Have caught my biggest fish on 30lb mono. It can do a lot!

  2. #32

    Re: bait bottom bouncing line type

    I like braid - but it will still have a longish mono leader to deal with the terrain fished

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  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member Si's Avatar
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    Jan 2009

    Re: bait bottom bouncing line type

    Havent heard much from the mono brigade as to why they prefer this type of line. Dont be scared to voice your opinion against the majority. I prefer mono in shallow coral reef country for ease of re rigging and i think soft baits stay on the hook longer when being picked at. In deeper more forgiving areas then i would prefer braid with mullet flesh.

  4. #34

    Re: bait bottom bouncing line type

    My reasoning for using mono whilst floatling as stated before is because mono sinks thus eliminating a big belly in the line while the bait floats down where as braid floats and puts a big curve/belly in the line when float lining using minimal weight.

  5. #35

    Re: bait bottom bouncing line type

    50 or 65lb power pro braid depending on depth and target along with 40-80lb mono leader once again depending on depth and targeted fish. Also depending on depth and target the leader ranges from 5-10m in length.

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