Hi guys n gals,
I went off the Ballina wall a few days back and was fishing with Stonecold and chucking S.P's around in the last of the dirty water runoff from all the rain we had.
Spent a fruitless few hours and not getting too much action when I got smacked up close to the rocks.
Anyway it sat there for a second or two shaking its head then slowly swam off and it seemed like a huge jew. Ran a short distance,shook its head and went for another run and shook its head then sat out the front of the wall swimming around slowly in the middle of a big wash. It didnt swim too far and between the two of us passing the rod around to get it over the rocks we got it into a position where it started to swim to one side of the wall and Stonecold manned the gaff getting ready for a Big jew to surface.
I mentioned that it was doing everything a bigger jew should and it seemed like a big fish with the weight behind it.
We were waiting for a big flash of silver to hit the surface in the murky water when........!!
I have been fishing for years for jew and to me it was a big jew in every respect as to its behaviour.
You just never can tell sometimes.