There is mullet in droves at redland bay this morning i caught so many i had to start throwing them back, go forth and slay thy mullet my friends
There is mullet in droves at redland bay this morning i caught so many i had to start throwing them back, go forth and slay thy mullet my friends
My wife lets me buy all the fishing gear i can hide....
Why slay mullet???
i bought 6 for a total of $9 at Morgans the other day, i was pretty happy with that. Big buggers too.
Well done mate hahahaha hmmm i wonder if i can catch em by hand? lol
i wish...Cheers
free, fresh, fun
i cooked one up to try, bloody waste of time that was....foul i tell you, waste of a mullet lol
My wife lets me buy all the fishing gear i can hide....
Hahahaha mate if you want to try mullet to eat, its best to split them and smoke them bit of brown sugar and salt and rub into the flesh yummmmmmmmmmm try it you wont be dissapointed.
Mullet are there for crabs and jewies and jacks to eat, not humans!
yeah im not human either im a fishing machine oh and dont worry about the crabs mate im still giving them some its just that its inside a pot lol and i prefer to feed jews on a set of gangs.
cheers billy ill have to try smoking one ill do it the same way as i smoke kahwai
My wife lets me buy all the fishing gear i can hide....
Hahahaha thats exactly what i meant "A fishing machine" lmao...ooh smoked kahawai damn haven't had that in ages lol They call it here "Australian Salmon" lol Now if anyone knows where and how to get this fish would be awesome...
i have picked up a couple on bribie and straddie just fishing in rips and further out gutters using a paternoster rig ie, sinker on the bottom and a dropper about 25cm up with another 30cm up using mullet or half pillies alternativly throw out a whole pilly with no weight on a gang or very little weight both times though it wasnt like when they come on in nz i only got the one each time i also would like to know where to find them here.
My wife lets me buy all the fishing gear i can hide....
mullet are great eating. Fillet, and put in the freezer for 10 minutes, then you will see the little fatty streakes that you dont like. Just flick them out.
I had a chap call for dinner one night. He didnt like mullet either, yey he commented on how nice the fish was.
It was mullet.
with ya on that one....Mullet are there for crabs and jewies and jacks to eat, not humans!
Bit of time in the ocean improves their flavour immensely! BillyT head for NSW in late winter/spring for more Aus salmon than you'd ever want lol!
Only thing better than catching bait is using it to catch bigger and better fish!