Gday all,
Finally got to have a morning sesh in the bay so due to the flat conditions strayed from Reddy and headed for mud. Had the pots out at clontarf by 4.30 and had a line in at mud by 5. First cast, within 10 seconds first fish - 26cm squire. Then nothing for a couple hours until i gave up the plastics and tried some squid.
Within no time about a dozen grassies came on board. 1 legal, most about25-28cm.
Went through 1kg of squid pretty quick so back out with the minnows and jerks.. Flicked for a couple hours but all i could manage was missing tails. Did see one bloke pull in a rather large snapper.
Gave up on Mud about 9 and head back to woody for a drift.. couple hits for no luck.. one last drift down hays for a just legal flatty with a parasite on his face so i sent him back. Grabbed the pots n they saved me once again.. about 10 sandies all legal sized bucks and a couple jenny muddies. All in all was a gorgeous morning on the water bit disappointed bout the lack of fish tho
By the looks of Seahorse's post i shouldve jst stayed at Woody
Cheers Deano