Took a mate out for a fish this morning, being the good host I am learnt him one of rods, provided the food, drinks and bait. Well after leaving Cleveland a bit after AM, we motored up to green, threw out the anchor, burleyed up and hoped for the best.
After about half an hour the rod I learnt my mate went wizzing, he was up the front so I grabbed it out of the holder and this thing kept running, tightened down on the drag and held on. Now this is where I made my biggest mistake, with great trepidation I handed the rod over to my friend. Well after about 10 minutes a beautiful 84 cm snapper comes to the surface. Should have left my mate at home I reckon.
Few more fish but nothing of consequence, then the crowd started to turn up, one bloke setup about 50 metres right behind me in the middle of my trail and that was the end of the fish.