What would you be prepared to pay for a 575 Cruise Craft.
Eg a 2004 model with all the options and rule out 4 stroke and having just a 2 stroke with average hours on it for it's age.
Reason for asking this is my son wants to buy one but doing a search i have not come across one that is less then what it was purchased for.
Before a full on attack on me just have a look at boat piont.
As in my previous thread with USA boats i stated if people can get these prices good luck to them and i would do the same.
To be upfront with everyone i sold my last boat which was a 2010 model with low hours and to move it i took a hit of $9000.
Are sellers getting this price.
Before judging me do a search and if you have bought a new cruise craft like i have done and know what i paid for it and seen what sellers are asking for the same boat i bought in around 2006 they are asking what they paid for it.
Not signalling out crusie craft owners as other brands are the same.
So really all i am asking is if the sellers are getting these prices then buying a boat is a ideal investment.
No offence meant to anyone just curious.