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Thread: Yamba Fishing Charters

  1. #1

    Yamba Fishing Charters

    Hi All

    Can any one recommend a good fishing charter in Yamba I am wanting something river based i.e. not offshore.

    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    Also if anyone has any recommendations for some good land based fishing spots that would be great.


  2. #2

    Re: Yamba Fishing Charters

    Mattooty and/or Rando might be the best people to answer this.

    Why don't you PM them? They should be able to help.


  3. #3

    Re: Yamba Fishing Charters

    when are you going,ill be there in a few weeks with a 15ft boat,wont be going outside though.I know a few nice landbased spots if your interested.

  4. #4

    Re: Yamba Fishing Charters

    from what i can gather REELTIME charters are pretty good
    they probably have a website

  5. #5

    Re: Yamba Fishing Charters

    Thanks for the info guys, I will check our REEL TIME.

    softplasticsdude79 I am going to be down there this weekend. I am taking the girl down for the weekend for her birthday... thankfully she doesn't mind wetting a line either. I would definitely be interested on a couple of tips for some land based fishing.

  6. #6

    Re: Yamba Fishing Charters

    Just head around to Browns Rocks. Bream, jew, flatties galore... oh and the odd catty.

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