Fisherman & Boatowner's online magazine has prices listed, guess there will be variances between dealers, but it lists $7400 for the Parsun, $10k for the Yamaha (90hp).
I would post the link to the magazine but can't seem to copy and paste the URL.
Fisherman & Boatowner's online magazine has prices listed, guess there will be variances between dealers, but it lists $7400 for the Parsun, $10k for the Yamaha (90hp).
I would post the link to the magazine but can't seem to copy and paste the URL.
My experiences with them suggests that if you shop around then there is not much price difference between Parsun and a name brand. I think you should wait and get the motor you want.
parsun/vortex 15hp long shaft 2 stroke. about $1830-1850
Mercury 15hp "with 5 year warrnaty. and free oil" $1899......
seems like a no brainer to mee
That's exactly what I was talking about. I was looking at 25HP 4 strokes. Parsun was $4200 no nothing. Mercury 25HP 4 stroke with electric and trim and tilt $4700
I agree it's pointless buying a Parson if they are little cheaper than the established brands, I hadn't checked the prices on them for a couple of years and it appears from what people have posted that things have changed.
| Savage Kestral with Evinrude 9.9 --> Stacer 3.9 with Yamaha 15 --> Polycraft 4.55 CC with Honda 50 --> Ally Craft Reel Mate 4.25 with Yamaha 3 cylinder 30 horse --> Hmmm what next? |
Hi Guys
Interesting thread.
I'm the Australian distributor for the Parsun outboard motors. We are constantly checking our competitors pricing to make sure we are offering great deals. These prices above I've never heard of mercury 15hp long going for under $2000. Choccymouse can you please tell me where you got that quote from?
I’ll check it out and compare to our prices and get back to this thread. We haven’t changed our prices in 3 years. With the Australian dollar dipping to new lows it may force us to change our prices but I’m going to hold on as long as we can
Safe Boating