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Had a long chat with fisheries officer regarding tilapia today, lovely lady called Dani. Clarified that possession is "any part of the fish" whole fish/frame/eye/skin/fillets etc. You may only have a noxious species in possession awaiting disposal , example: Caught from a boat, knocked on the head and waiting to return to shore for burial or bin (she stated that if it is on ice in an esky it may have the officers asking more questions so it's better to chuck em in a bucket in the sun).
She agreed that they are here to stay as they are now in 17 of qld's 76 waterways (first found in the 1970's) and they know they cannot get rid of them (unless poisoning the whole waterway) but can only try to stop them spreading and due to their limited budget they are relying on public knowledge and awareness (and a bit of common sense). Blanket rule for NO possession is the only way to do this as once their is a price on them (ie:fillets, personal consumption or otherwise) people will place them in their own dams or local creeks and it will increase chance of spreading. Northern QLD has tried using bass/barra but it only slows the breeding cycle down.
I knew they can live in salt water but had yet to hear of anyone catching them in salt but she informed me that there have been confirmed reports of people catching them in the middle of the bay.