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Thread: Greedy Bugger

  1. #1

    Greedy Bugger

    Have been having some success of late with the z man chetterbaits but have noticed that almost all fish are taken on a small trailer which I have added.
    Just thought I might share this pic of a greedy one yesterday that managed to inhale the whole lure , both hooks and all . must have gone all the way to his bum!
    Happy ending , it was only hooked on the main hook and relesed quite easily.

    Photo is on a lumix FT3
    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

Name:	P1000101.jpg 
Views:	2 
Size:	53.9 KB 
ID:	75561  

  2. #2

    Re: Greedy Bugger

    hi mate i have noticed you fish the pine for your bass, I am keen to have a crack at them on these steamy afternoons or early mornings can you point me in the right direction to get started where to start from. I have heard that the youngs crossing area is a good place ??? Any info would be appreciated.
    Cheers Brendan..........................

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