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Thread: IMOS 60 m currrent meter North Strabroke Island

  1. #1

    IMOS 60 m currrent meter North Strabroke Island

    I have just received this from IMOS about the 60 metre mouring which measures, amongst other things, current velocity and temperature:

    The data is available through a CSIRO website at the moment. In the next few weeks it will be available through the IMOS portal.

    The NRS data for N Stradbroke Island are available in real time via the CSIRO TASMAN network

    (surface, sub-surface 1, sub-surface 2)

    latest values by clickng icons on the map

    plots and datasets through the 'analysis' tab.

    Regards Bob Pen

  2. #2

    Re: IMOS 60 m currrent meter North Strabroke Island

    This site works in Internet Explorer but not Google Chrome.

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