Please see below:Shouldn't this be Fl R 2.5s (not Fl G)
Is this the red marker on the Northern side of Green that apparently has been moved? Or are they talking about another one altogether. Could someone please advise.
Brisbane pilotage area
Locality: Green Island, Moreton Bay
Activity: port lateral beacon re-established
Refer to notice: 257 (T) of 2010
Mariners are advised that the lighted port lateral beacon Fl G 2.5s at Green Island has been reestablished
in position latitude 27° 24.8574' S, longitude 153° 14.5617' E.
The lighted temporary port lateral buoy has been permanently removed.
Cancel notice: 257 (T) of 2010
AUS charts affected: 236
Maritime Safety Queensland charts affected:
Moreton Bay – Manly to Mooloolaba (MB1)
Redland Bay to Cabbage Tree Creek (MB8)
Maritime Safety Queensland Beacon to Beacon Directory 8th edition map: 96