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Thread: How to set up a tarp

  1. #1

    Smile How to set up a tarp

    Hi everyone,

    We have just bought a 20 x 24 ft tarp (and poles etc... to suit) to go over the tent and give us some space for table, chairs, kitchen essentials, etc... As the tarp is fairly big, we are hoping someone can give us an idea of where to start with assembling it (e.g. is it best to start with corners or middle???). We are hoping for an a-frame design down the centre.

    Any suggestions much appreciated.

    Daz & Lulu

  2. #2

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Hi mate, I set my big tarp up by starting in one corner, go down that side than the other. I use bars across the center to give it the A Frame. Just remember a pole for every hole !!! For my spreader bar i made it by using some old poles and than have a center pole to support it due to the length. Hope this helps.
    Cheers TT

  3. #3

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Quote Originally Posted by Tailortaker View Post
    . I use bars across the center to give it the A Frame. Cheers TT
    + 1 for the spreader way to get a tight tarp of bigger size.

  4. #4

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    The centre post under the spreader bar is essential for bars exceeding 20 feet, be sure you have a reasonable centre post mount, not just a mushroom for the top of the spike. I also run a double rope of each end post of the spreader bar. Use the right pegs for the soil type too.

  5. #5

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Quote Originally Posted by agrav8 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    We have just bought a 20 x 24 ft tarp (and poles etc... to suit) to go over the tent and give us some space for table, chairs, kitchen essentials, etc... As the tarp is fairly big, we are hoping someone can give us an idea of where to start with assembling it (e.g. is it best to start with corners or middle???). We are hoping for an a-frame design down the centre.

    Any suggestions much appreciated.

    Daz & Lulu
    Guys, there should be a thread with pictures here somewhere.

  6. #6

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Here ya go - complete with pics

    Happy new year.....Sorry on the sauce now - won't be able to type later.

  7. #7

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    for the centre bar i just bought 25mm pvc pipe in 3 sections. each section is joined with pvc t piece. i then put the spike part of the pole up intp the open part of the joiner. that gives me 2 poles under tarp and i put an elbow joiner on each end and put pole in same way.

    I can then tie bit of rope over top of pvc pipe down to a peg beside the poles under tarp, this stops pipe from lifting.

    as others have said a pole per hole is a must.

  8. #8

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Hi Everyone,

    Even-though we only had enough posts to do every second hole, we just couldn't wait to do a mock setup. After all the helpful suggestions, we started by laying out the 20 x 24 tarp on the ground. We then layed the poles beside every second hole, ropes and stakes. Next, we hammered the pegs in the ground. Started with the four corners then proceeded to the middle with the spreader bar and centre post (thanks Tunaticer). Then, done the holes in between, putting the poles on opposite sides in together. It all went up without a problem... just waiting on the tent shop to open this morning to get a pole for every hole.

    Thanks for all your advice.

    Daz and Lis


  9. #9

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    I used to set my tarp up, as you have done there Daz, but use spreader bars around the perimeter. I'd then zip clip every second hole to the spreader bars. you end up with less upright poles and a feeling of more space. I had that set up in some very cranky Moreton island summer storms with no real issue. these days i use quick shades, very easy!



  10. #10

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    I know I'm in the minority here, but my 18x24 has only ever got a pole every 2nd hole. I've never been in any weather too challenging but it's happy enough with most ocean-side Moreton Island weather it's been in for the past 7 or so years. I also ilke to wrap the ropes around the poles under the tarp before putting the loops around the spike on the top - I think this takes a bit of pressure off the eyelets.

    Good luck,

  11. #11

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Hi all
    We to have an 18x24 that we use to cover the big tent and gazebos. We found it so much betetr using the spreader poles and especially if it happened to rain. We set the centre poles higher than the corners so if we do get rain the water doesn't pool and it runs straight off.
    One tip is to go and buy some heavy duty eyelets-- I have found that alot of times the holes are never exactly where you want them so by having extra eyelets allows you to add a couple of extras if needed.


  12. #12

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Hi Ronnie

    That's a fairly reasonable idea, i'll keep that in mind

    [QUOTE=Mrs Ronnie H;1340664]

    One tip is to go and buy some heavy duty eyelets
    Thanks Darren

  13. #13

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Quote Originally Posted by agrav8 View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    Even-though we only had enough posts to do every second hole, we just couldn't wait to do a mock setup. After all the helpful suggestions, we started by laying out the 20 x 24 tarp on the ground. We then layed the poles beside every second hole, ropes and stakes. Next, we hammered the pegs in the ground. Started with the four corners then proceeded to the middle with the spreader bar and centre post (thanks Tunaticer). Then, done the holes in between, putting the poles on opposite sides in together. It all went up without a problem... just waiting on the tent shop to open this morning to get a pole for every hole.

    Thanks for all your advice.

    Daz and Lis

    You would have too be happy with that Daz n Lis... All you need now is a couple of tinnies and some aerogard..

    Enjoy your camping.


  14. #14

    Re: How to set up a tarp


    Hi Everyone

    Just thought I would give you an update... we went to The Bedrooms at South Stradbroke for five days. The tarp was great, which had the tent, tables, chairs, cooking equipment, etc... all underneath and plenty of shade. And, yes, we had a pole for every hole... it didn't budge an inch. We also purchased a shade cloth to drop down in the afternoon for that deadly western sun, which topped it off.

    Daz n Lis

  15. #15

    Re: How to set up a tarp

    Looks good and hope you had a great time.


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