Hit the water at 3:45am yesterday and watched as mother nature provided another sensational sunrise.
Caught 2 small flatties on soft plastics before the bottom of the tide. Pumped some yabbies and changed over to the trusty whiting rod and Alvey. Got a nice flattie (went 50cm) and a decent whiting for the dinner table.
Got another 4 small whiting and 2 bream but nothing big enough to keep.
Then my brother and his family arrived last night for a catch up and we hit it again at the same time this morning. He hadn't used plastics before but he is now a convert I think after this effort
There were small bait fishing busting the surface all around and we ended up with 5 flatties ranging from 71cm to 44cm.
Here was my best for the day. (She went back after even though she woke the neighbourhood up with ratchet scream!!!)
Once again at the bottom of the tide we pumped some yabbies. Only got a 31cm whiting and the wind was up so we pulled up stumps and headed home!!!
.....and yes, I will be back out there tomorrow morning to do it all again!