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Surface Bassin
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Thread: Surface Bassin

  1. #1

    Surface Bassin

    Headed out in the afternoons around 5pm for a few days in a row when the bass were hungry. Ended up with 4 bass each trip from 30cm-43cm on the third afternoon i landed 14 bass all off the surface and within 2 hours makes some good footage lost a near 50cm model back to the drink when i tried to clean the dirt of him for a pic bad idea. Also landed 4 bass this morning all small fellas except for a 37cm fork length model which actually had a zip tie in the corner of his mouth as a tag....check it out last pics... Does anyone know anything about these tags or who's doing it.

    thanks bron
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  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member tenzing's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Nice healthy looking fish there Bronson
    Nothing quite like that rush from a surface hit when the lures been on hold for a while.
    I have actually been trying out a theory that using two poppers in opposite directions from the yak might work as you have to let one sit for a while. So far I have been spectacularly wrong!
    Thinkng that if you are to leave the popper unattended then you might need mono leader as the fluoro sinks.
    It's just that I have noticed that a lot of strikes happen when you are daydreaming and have left the lure still for longer than usual.
    Anyway top pics and nice clean fish
    Well done

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Luc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Surface Bassin

    As far as I'm aware, no one uses zip ties as tags. Did the zip tie have any marking/number on it?

  4. #4

    Re: Surface Bassin

    nice one bronson,

    i remember your surface bassin thread a couple of years back and wanted to give it a go but never got down that way, i just keep going to the hinze instead. I think ive got to mix it up a little!


  5. #5

    Re: Surface Bassin

    There was no tag number on the zip tie and i was more so thinking someone has done this out of curiosity just to see if they would catch the same fish again. i just was curios if it was anyone on here obviously not. cos id be interested in the date and what size the fish was when last caught that all. And Bar raider my electric motor has seised up and theres too much water at hinze to walk the banks a lot more people are fishing these waters i fish now so be quick its an awesome spot for a morning fish. the wether isn't making is easy at the moment they seen to be shut down lets just hope for some warmer wether soon.

    cheers born

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Luc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Surface Bassin

    IMO, the zip tie was a stupid thing to do whatever the reason for it. Did you remove it before releasing the bass!!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Surface Bassin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bronson View Post
    Headed out in the afternoons around 5pm for a few days in a row when the bass were hungry. Ended up with 4 bass each trip from 30cm-43cm on the third afternoon i landed 14 bass all off the surface and within 2 hours makes some good footage lost a near 50cm model back to the drink when i tried to clean the dirt of him for a pic bad idea. Also landed 4 bass this morning all small fellas except for a 37cm fork length model which actually had a zip tie in the corner of his mouth as a tag....check it out last pics... Does anyone know anything about these tags or who's doing it.

    thanks bron

    Did you catch that Bass with the Zip tie in robina lakes ?

    Cheers Tony

  8. #8

    Re: Surface Bassin

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyp View Post
    Did you catch that Bass with the Zip tie in robina lakes ?

    Cheers Tony
    Yep,it was caught in the Robina lakes area.

  9. #9

    Re: Surface Bassin

    The bass was realised in the same condition that i caught It. He Didn't seem that worried by the tag(zip Tie) as i spotted him feeding on the surface smashing bugs so got a cast right past him worked the lure towards him then a few second pause and he jumped all over it. These Bass are pretty hardy fish so i don't think the zip tie bothered him too much. But yes next time if i catch one with the same thing in his mouth i will probably be removing it as it is no relevance to me.

    Tony As Steve said yes the bass was caught in the Robin lakes waterway why do you ask.....?

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Surface Bassin

    Hi Bronson and Steve,

    Why I ask is yes I have seen another one caught in Robina which had the same thing done to it. Pity you didn't take it off because down the track it will cause a problem as the Bass grows. Much like a piece of wire around a tree.
    I think it may be some stupid Idea of a angler to have their own tagging identity .

    cheers Tony

  11. #11

    Re: Surface Bassin

    yes you could be wright Tony definitely someones idea of a tag witch is why i posted pictures of the fish to see if it was anyone on here or knew who does this. i just really wanted to know when this fish had this happen to him as it looked like it had been there for some time as i will never no the answers to my questions ill just invest in some sharp pointed siccorss to deal with the zip ties next time.


  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Surface Bassin

    gday there mate, im from tweed and luv me bassin, were could a man find these robina lakes, i never knew of such a place

  13. #13

    Re: Surface Bassin

    Sorry mate but i made the mistake of telling someone once already and then every Tom Dick and Harry was down there fishing.

  14. #14

    Re: Surface Bassin

    Nice one Bronson , any catfish about ?

  15. #15

    Re: Surface Bassin

    You And Your catfish

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