I just spent a couple of hours improving the edge on a 9 inch Shimano fillet knife.
I am still not happy with the edge but it is an improvement on the off the shelf product, but i will have to wait till i am suitable inspired OR lubricated to give it another crack.
Has anyone tried one of these out.
They are manufactured in china.
They have a good hand-grip but they are not expensive less than $25
They have a wide-ish blade not too flexible more towards a boning style blade than a filleter
Out of the box the edge is ordinary ,,, 2 stubbies and an hour and a half of whetstone only gets me to a so-so edge. Pretty hard steel by my experience.
I hope that it will hold its edge once I get what i want
I have been honing on diamond hones 400 & 1000 and finishing on a 6000 jap waterstone .
If anyone has tried one out I am interested to hear your report.