May I be the first to congratulate you on the obviously faultless, annual reviews that you receive from your boss each year for never making a mistake in your job and never yielding in any way to the vagaries of variability in human performance that the rest of us are so plagued by.
The fact of life is that, apart from you, we all make mistakes in our jobs. Some are little - like getting to work a few minutes late because the bus was stuck in traffic - and some are big - like some boofhead's deciding that invading Iraq would be a good idea. We all make mistakes. Except you, of course.
So, if someone does make a mistake in carrying out a service to a customer, what should we expect in compensation? At law, the best that you can hope for is a remedy that will put things back as they should have been. Nothing more that that. Talk to any lawyer about the law of torts and that is what he will tell you.
I reiterate that the complainant would not get any more from a court ruling than restitution - and that would take a long time to achieve and the complainant's stress levels would be on an uphill slope all the time leading up to, and during, the court hearing.
Accordingly, in my humble view as someone who is not so personally insecure that I cannot admit making the odd mistake at work over the years, that the guy from Springwood Marine has acted so quickly and resolutely in not only making good on the original transaction but also offering what is tantamount to a 100% compensation in kind above and beyond what he legally would be required to do, makes the behaviour by Springwood Marine in attempting to correct their own fault and appeasing an obviously angry, aggrieved customer to the extent that he is now saying "this has restored my faith in humanity", a very good company to deal with and one that deserves accolades for their response to this issue at a management level.
However you, as the legitimate wearer of the king's new set of clothes, might have other views.
Once again, congratulations on your perfect score in your annual performance review.
i think i need someone to enlighten me as to the hoo-ha over log books. if the motor is only a year old i would expect that proof of purchase would be easy to obtain. i cant imagine a motor of that size would be purchased with cash. so, if a receipt or bank statement can be produced and a dealership stamp a year later shows proof of service - where is the problem??????
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
At the end of the Day GARRY has done alot more then what anyone else would of done. It is also a MISTAKE or a stuff up and who doesnt make em. They can just write on the book then stamp it as of that date and that would make me as a buyer happy, and to be honest who cares about a warranty booklet as you have an ECU so plug it into a laptop and you can see exactly what the engine has done through every rev range. IMO springwood marine has done a great job to fix there mistake.
I would be more concerned about these issues than a missing log book.
What was the reasoning with the price increase? Did they find other work required during the service? Did they inform you before it was carried out? Or just a communication error with the service guys?
How much extra oil is in there to make it 5cm over? A small amount is no worry but overfilling some engines can cause more drama than underfilling.
What else wasn't done that they charged you for? (sounds like Toyota advantage services)
Good to see the owner on here trying to rectify it but put yourself in Op's shoes.. I wouldn't be happy either. Yes, we all make mistakes but 3 in one service?
20ran - Did the service guy come and sort it all out? Are you a satisfied customer?
Completely Agree with all you said. I love how people just casually write off poor workmanship or service to 'yeah sorry made a mistake'.
lost warrenty book
over filling cowl
charged for fuel/water seperator that was not replaced.
I would regard that as poor service. Its only when it went public that rectification was offered. Lets not get carried away and lose sight of what was supposed to done in the first place.
I won't respond to your personal comments towards me; suffice to say they are well wide of the mark and unjustified.
I was going to go into some other aspects of that diatribe but I won't put myself out further. Its sufficient to say that I expected better of an authorised main dealer than to send out a half arsed job and then to cover up the poor organisation by stamping the warranty book when not having witnessed, conducted or having supporting documentation to show the work has been done.
I`m not Familiar with Costs and Replacements of parts but I went to springwood marine for a fuel filter to be taken out and a new fuel line to be put in. $135 Then I got a service which was $180 Inc Parts. Come up to about $400. Is that a Good price?
Numbers don't sound stupid silly depending on what boat but unless you have a breakdown of parts and labour and size of motor , what service it is a "how long is a piece of string". Sorry not to be too much help. The key question is that the job was done professionally , completely and with parts as described.
If you need work done always ask for a quote on parts and labor and to be called if something else is needed they didn't quote for. Ask the labour rate and any extra rates like oil disposals etc etc. If you understand nothing ask them to run through it so you feel comfortable. When the job is done spend 2 minutes with the bag of parts and run through what was done. Good dealers will have no problem with these questions and you learn a bit as time goes on. The 2 minutes with eth service guys will probably point you to other thing that will need attention in teh near future be it your trailer , steering etc etc. You can price most parts approximately off the net to get a rough idea .
Common sense is the winner here and I can not believe how many posts have been done after it was all sorted.Obvoiusly this is a forum but come on guys go and retie some leaders,respool some reels,fix that rod guide that has been giving you the s**ts instead of adding to the forum.Oops i must be a hypocrite by posting this but I am pleased that all parties have come to a resolution.
hey guys,
i stopped reading after a while, this is wrong, we are dealing with humans here and you are telling me that no one has ever made a mistake give me break, let me know what every bodies business is and over a period of time I bet we all stuffed up at once. I think it is a fantastic offer from Gary to do your next service FOC. I understand these things happen and is not great, but hey i dont see people saying we are looked after by the banks HA HA. It wasnt good but I respect a man that tries to rectify the problem.
Thats my say any way