Hey guys,wondering if anyone has put an esky in a thwart on there tinny.I have a brooker v12 (first boat)with a yammy 15 that i'm in the process of fitting out,and want to cut out a rectangle out of the top of the rear thwart,with hinges, and have an esky in there.Obviously i need something long,not wide.I'm not too keen on cutting to wide as i still want some structural integrity by keeping majority of it intact.
She's a great little boat,just needs some personal touches.I did a carpeted false floor, and carpeted the thwarts as well,much more comfyI made a custom shelf for my sounder which will be the switchboard for my electrics,soon i'll get a stereo too.Man it's addictive when you get started.Everyday after work i'm doing something to it.
So if anyone has an opinion or has done this i'm keen to listen,i'm not sure whether i should look for an esky the right size or just make something.I hate glass work so if i could just use foam i'd be happy.I have just come back from broome to perth so i need to be comfortable as i actually have to wait until i catch something now.lol
Thanks in advance.
No pics either,the charger for my camera is up north somewhere.